I've figured out the new-style MODCAT vs. the older ones

Going Modal

I should be practicing right now.
Jul 25, 2019
Your mom.
[Please forgive me if this has been covered before--it wasn't terribly difficult, not saying I'm the first to uncover this.]

Was just curious this morning, trying to map out a 2023 model's MODCAT off of Reverb pictures (no, I didn't buy it... yet?) and figured out how to parse out the characters into the older MODCAT format using the ol' MODCAT decoder.

Brief history lesson--the "older" MODCAT format was like this:

While the newer ones kind of look like this, sort of broken into 2 lines on the sticker:
/CC /N

Well, if you just rearrange the second one, from this...
/CC /N
...into this:

It will return the correct specifications. You'll notice that I've switched a couple of the " / " symbols to " _ ". I don't think those are hugely consequential--they're just spacers. I've also replaced an "N" character with a " - " hyphen. That's because PRS used to classify top grades as 10-top and non-10-top. However, more recently they've dispensed of the 10-top label; but that needs to be rectified in the older MODCAT format. I don't specifically know what the newer "N" means other than "null"?

Anyway, hope this helps along the MODCAT discussions for those of you checking newer codes.