Is my PRS fake?


New Member
May 17, 2013
I purchased a PRS used from guitar Center last month. Everything seems ok with it. My drummer picked it up and pointed out the black paint on the headstock. It's uneven in some placed. Granted, this guitar is from 1994, so it's old, but could i get your guys expertise on this one? It's a PRS CE22. There SN on the back matches up to an orange CE22 per the folks at PRS, but my recent reserach into the chinese PRS market has yielded that they also fake the SN for these knock offs, also.

notice the edges of the headstock. They almsot looks as if they've been touched up or something. could this be a sign of a fake, or are these commonly chipped/worn with age?





That's a real PRS. I'm guessing... whoever owned it before you (or the guitar shop) touched up the scratches on the headstock (probably with a Sharpie).

Pickups aren't original.
I would agree - looks legit to me! I've touched up my CE's headstock with a black sharpie many times...
Thanks guys.
I was aware of the pickups upon purchase. For what I play, they are much more versatile than the Dragons. The coil tap on that Evo is to freakin die for.

Thanks for putting my mind at ease guys.
I dunno. You might need to pass it around the group for intensive evaluation. It may take a month or so at each stop, but we'll get to the bottom of it. :-)
lol......sure thing, man. Just send me 5000.00 damage deposit and a signed contract that will guarantee that the following songs won't be played on it, and we're good.

Mustang Salley
Teen Spirit
Sweet Home Alabama
Any Blink 182
or Stairway.