Invisible Fret tines on SE Paul's Guitar?


Making music for a living...
Jun 26, 2012
New England; VT
I just noticed the fret tines are not visible from the edge of the (no-binding) rosewood fingerboard on my new SE Paul's Guitar. Is this due to a new way of installing SE frets, or is there some cosmetic magic going on with the edge of the SE non-bound rosewood fingerboards? The fret tines are visible at the edge of the fingerboard on every other guitar I've ever owned.
My SE Custom 24-08 has rosewood binding on the fretboard, I assume this must be the same for your Paul's guitar. It can be surprisingly difficult to see, but it is there.

I have a Takamine Sante Fe, I had it for years before I realized it had rosewood binding on the fretboard.
My SE Custom 24-08 has rosewood binding on the fretboard, I assume this must be the same for your Paul's guitar. It can be surprisingly difficult to see, but it is there.

I have a Takamine Sante Fe, I had it for years before I realized it had rosewood binding on the fretboard.
Ahh - Thank you! I knew there was something of an 'un-matched' look to the grain of the side edge of that rosewood, compared to the grain of the fretboard surface. It's a nice look overall, anyway. Beautiful guitar.
It's also possible to use laser cutting to cut fret slots that don't go all the way across the fretboard, eliminating the need for binding. I believe Kauer guitars does this.
Thanks! I just noticed on the Indonesia Factory Tour video that the frets shown installed (although, on a bound fingerboard) had the tines cut shorter than the fret surface.
The gold Santana SE has some kind of dark binding around the fretboard. It wasn't that easy to spot the first time I saw one...
Could it be the same for the SE Paul's?
Thanks, I believe it is! Although on my 2020 Paul's model, it's made to look like (or is actually) rosewood.
On at least some of my PRS, it appears the slots are cut full width and then a dark filler is added to block out the ends of the slot, but it’s totally possible that they’ve started CNC or laser cutting them short of the edge on newer guitars. Whatever the case, they sure know how to keep those fret ends tidy. Even SE’s have far better fret end dress than many American made guitars from other brands.
For good are some pictures of my SE24-08. You can see the Rosewood binding.


On at least some of my PRS, it appears the slots are cut full width and then a dark filler is added to block out the ends of the slot, but it’s totally possible that they’ve started CNC or laser cutting them short of the edge on newer guitars. Whatever the case, they sure know how to keep those fret ends tidy. Even SE’s have far better fret end dress than many American made guitars from other brands.
Thanks for the detail! Yes, they sure do build 'em right. It's got a great feel all around. Though, I do have a few frets which actually catch the hi E string if it's pulled over the edge, so I'll bring it to my favourite luthier for some professional touchup filing.
Hey - thanks again. I'm afraid I can't see the images, though. Likely because this is my first post and they limit images until I've posted thrice.

Perhaps it's on my end....I'm a newbie too, I generally consider myself message board savy....but it appears this site doesn't host pictures, so I tried linking to my Google pics, I found that after I posted, the only way I could see them was to click to open in a new window, perhaps I am not as savy as I thought! Or.....I'm just spoiled by forums that host images.

I also am not able to see most images posted here.......I'll see what I can find out.
the images don't work because google is breaking the ability to post them inline on sites like this.

you would need to use imgur, or postimage, or jump through the hoops that i do to make it work from twitter.