Well I’ve already been posting a bit. So should probably introduce myself. I’m not good at keeping things short. But I’ll try.
Learned to play guitar from my dad. He played in country and blue grass bands when I was young. Never his main job, but a way to supplement his income and he enjoyed it. He did make a trip to nasheville to cut a demo. Anyway he bought me a lotus Strat copy around 1990. That’ll be important in a bit.
I kept playing at the guitar, but never really had any lessons. I got old enough for the school band and joined. My thought was, what instrument is in a “real” band? So I picked up percussion.
I made it into several honor bands, and earned a partial scholarship to college. However I had also joined a local band around that time playing guitar. So that’s when I got back into guitar. I also started playing in church.
Trying to keep it short. Didn’t finish college and the band eventually came to an end. Although the lead player is now in nasheville and has released one album and working on another. Anyway I’m still playing at church with the drummer.
I’ve had a few guitar over the years. I’ve been a fan of Godin guitars. I have a LGX-SA that’s been my main guitar for years. I have a LP studio that was another main guitar of mine. Both are humbucker guitars. And aside from my Godin LG SP90, I’ve almost always used humbuckers. And to be honest had never been totally satisfied with my tone.
So recently I decided to try a strat. Quick sidenote. I also had a Godin Progression (strat copy), but at the time all my pickups were higher output, and it just didn’t fit my rig. I have since changed the p90’s in my LG to lower output and love it even more. Anyway back to the Strat. So I decided instead of buying a new strat, why not fix up that old one.
So I got it out, and it was a little roughs than I remembered. Not horrible but needed some finish work too. So I sanded down the body. Surprisingly it was a mahogany body. Had a nice neck maple neck with a bit of flame and slab rosewood fretboard, although a little thin for my tastes. My dad leveled the frets got it back in shape. A new nut and locking tuners were added. I simply used an oil finish on the body. Made a pick guard out of carbon fiber. New pickups. New bridge with a brass block. Started playing it, and single coils is what I’ve been missing.
So now that I knew that, I started looking for a killer strat style guitar. Bought a PRS SE EG. It’s cool, but miss my carved flame maple tops from my Godins. Which lead me to the PRS 305. I’ve been looking but they’re not easy to find. Especially with a nice top and not $3000. So I was also keeping an eye out for the 513 and 509’s and maybe even a 408. When I found my 513.
What a guitar. It’s a strat, a vintage LP, and a more modern humbucker guitar all in one. I was afraid it might be a jack of all trades master of none. But it’s better at those sounds than each one on its own. At least imo. It has sustain for days. And even in single coil mode, it has this depth and low mid growl, that I love.
Anyway other notes. I have 3 beautiful boys that are 6, 4, and 1 year old. My parent and I have a motorcycle shop that specializes in Harleys. One day I will build a guitar my own guitar. I also ordered a full rosewood neck for the lotus. However it doesn’t quite fit, so i need to route it. But once it’s done I’ll post pics of it.
Told ya. I’m not good at keeping it short. Haha.