Tucson Thump
Mint Heavy Relic
Hi everybody. I'm very new to PRS and to guitars as a whole. I've been playing bass for about 2 years off and on. I'm not very good, but I love it!
One benefit of having discovered this love at a later age is that I have some disposable income to get the instruments that I really want. I went to Sweetwater Gearfest last month and attended a "clinic" with PRS and Rhonda Smith. I completely and utterly fell in love with her bass. Before this I never really considered PRS for basses. I've always admired how pretty their guitars were, but without knowing the first thing about guitars I never really considered them.
My husband and I went to the PRS tent after that and they had ONE Gary Grainger bass there. It was pretty, but again I just didn't get it. Then I played it. OMG I've never felt comfortable on a fretboard until that instrument. Paul Reed Smith and Rhonda Smith signed the bass for me and I cannot be happier with it.
I discovered this forum looking for what my bass would look like in purple and that lead me down the rabbit hole of Private Stock Friday. I have now finished all 396 pages and wish there was more. I do have one complaint, not enough basses. I do know that this is a guitar thread but still.
Great story, and welcome