Ah, man. I'll have to take a lot of pictures, but...
The amp is a Quilter Mach 2. I don't think they make them anymore. Sometimes I play through a Quilter Superblock US, because that's much simpler.
Pedalboard? Work in progress. I have a bunch of pedals, but I haven't decided which of them are going on the pedalboard. So far the order is tuner, clean boost, "transparent" overdrive, distortion (blues driver type, sort of)...oh, you might want brands and types. Yeah, so...
TC Electronics Polytune, Xotic Super Clean boost, Wampler Tumnus overdrive, Wampler Sovereign distortion, Keely Aurora reverb, Keeley Mag Echo delay, Oceans 11 delay (but it does some weird stuff), JHS 3 Series Chorus, and...I think that's it.
The pedals I'd like to add but don't have (yet?) are the Dunlop Hendrix Shrine fuzz, a wah-wah, and a Jam Pedals Retro Vibe univibe. Can you tell who my guitar idol is?