Are you using 10-46 strings in standard tuning, or something else? Are you tuning up to pitch? Sometimes dropping all your strings down 30 cents and slowly tuning them up to pitch is necessary.I put 4 different brand of strings 009. Daddario, GHS, Gibson and Dean Markley. All same problem. Locking Tuners are tight and working well. Action is quite low and no bazz at all. Nut is from PRS american with Teflon. I am getting crazy!!!
I use 009-042 as guitar set up from factory. I did this procedure ( up to tune then drop them down even more than 30 % and then tune them again to pitch) so many times. I told in the preview message that locking machine r doing fine in my opinion. I always tune the strings without locking on and then once they r tuned I activate the lock on the Tuners.Are you using 10-46 strings in standard tuning, or something else? Are you tuning up to pitch? Sometimes dropping all your strings down 30 cents and slowly tuning them up to pitch is necessary.
Do you ever have any kind of "ping" sound when tuning, and then your string goes suddenly 10-30 cents flat or sharp?
Is your bridge level with the top of the guitar?
What are you using to tune and check intonation?
How did you attach the strings to the locking tuners? I'm assuming there's approximately half a wrap after you locked them down and tuned them up?
Are you absolutely positive you're only fretting hard enough to get a clean tone?
Wow...saw the post from Mr Pringles and though it was mine. I am Jimmy Pringle in Texas and just purchased a 2009 Hollowbody ll . The G string especially is fretting sharp on the 2nd fret and gradually improves as I move down the neck. open and 12 th fret intonation is perfect. The nut height seems appropriate. I love the guitar but cant stand even the slightest intonation problems. My Martin 00028 tunes better. Very discouraged
How can I fix this? Using EXL115, 10-49 strings. I understand the factory sets up with 11's and wound 3rd so this should be fine.
Any ideas on how to remedy this? Thank you!!!
Sounds to me like a setup issue, especially the nut string height in both cases since the issue is predominantly the first few frets. If it was pressing too hard, it would most likely be all the way up the neck. The only way to narrow it down though, IMHO, is a complete setup.