Interesting 'Edge of Breakup' Pedal


Master Of The Universe (Emeritus)
Apr 26, 2012
I stumbled on this pedal demo that came up after a pedal show I sometimes watch, and thought, this thing sounds really, really good.

I have an 'edge of breakup' pedal that I love, the Pettyjohn Edge, but it sounds very different from this one. They also make a smaller version with a few less features for less dough.

Here's a pretty good demo of what it does, though the host talks way too long before actually getting to the freaking point:


This has a tone I like. I might investigate further.

Here's the more pedalboard friendly version. Sounds great also.

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Used to have that, I'm a big fan of Kingtone and still bounding fine with the Octaland. Try Timmy, as Bluespower is essentially just that. I liked the Duellist v2 way more than the Bluespower, though.
Hmmm. I think the Timmy is really nice, but not OMG nice.

In the videos these Blues Power pedals sound more amp-ish, closer to the relationship of pedal to amp that I get with my Pettyjohn pedals of various types.

Since I haven't tried the BPs in person, I can't say how different they are from the Timmy, or even if they're different at all.

My feeling about overdrives is that they fill a niche, and can't be all things to all players, but for me, that's all that's necessary. The Blues Power is supposed to do that Super Reverb thing, and it kinda sounds like one running through the amps in the demos. That's what I like about the demos.

It'd be worth it if it the BP does what it's supposed to do. But you're the guy in the know, so if they're exactly like the Timmy, my interest is lowered a bit.
My favorite "edge of breakup" pedal is a recent acquisition: Kingsley Page. It's a tube pedal, which I have not had luck with over the years, but this one is different. It's more preamp than OD pedal or boost: it's like adding a tube gain stage INTO you amp, not in front of it. I still have a few normal OD pedals that I love, they do a thing, but when I want to sound like I just cranked the amp up more, it's the Page, no contest.

I also own a Timmy, it's very good at the edge-of-breakup thing as well.
Hmmm. I think the Timmy is really nice, but not OMG nice.

In the videos these Blues Power pedals sound more amp-ish, closer to the relationship of pedal to amp that I get with my Pettyjohn pedals of various types.

Since I haven't tried the BPs in person, I can't say how different they are from the Timmy, or even if they're different at all.

My feeling about overdrives is that they fill a niche, and can't be all things to all players, but for me, that's all that's necessary. The Blues Power is supposed to do that Super Reverb thing, and it kinda sounds like one running through the amps in the demos. That's what I like about the demos.

It'd be worth it if it the BP does what it's supposed to do. But you're the guy in the know, so if they're exactly like the Timmy, my interest is lowered a bit.

Ok, I have looked up my data, and yeah, Bluespower is Timmy but with a significant twist. The structure on the paper is almost the same with main exception in the second IC stage. Timmy's clipping stage is in the first stage feedback loop only, where with the Bluespower there is additional second gain stage feedback loop diode clipping network. Additionally most of the component values are different, so they will not sound the same, and they will react different, too. I say go for it, I'm sure there is an option to send it back if you don't like it. Try the Octaland too, and the Duellist. IMO Duellist's Heavyhand side + the Octaland set to clean octave up is one of the best pedal based tones I ever heard with my own pair of ears. Jessie's stuff is expensive, but worth the money. It's going to be 3/4 years since I use his Octaland, and it's the most solid choice for any pedalboard I built since
My favorite "edge of breakup" pedal is a recent acquisition: Kingsley Page. It's a tube pedal, which I have not had luck with over the years, but this one is different. It's more preamp than OD pedal or boost: it's like adding a tube gain stage INTO you amp, not in front of it. I still have a few normal OD pedals that I love, they do a thing, but when I want to sound like I just cranked the amp up more, it's the Page, no contest.
The Page sounds great. I've seen it on a few episodes of That Pedal Show.

I have a Pettyjohn preamp on my board with upgraded op-amp that does similar things, though, granted, it's not tube. Still, I've been very happy with it since getting it in 2018, so it'll stay on the board.

I dunno. I might get one of the two Blues Power pedals, because WTF.
Referring To The First Video Posted. You Can Never Trust A Demo From A Small Country Town Sheriff Posing As A Guitar Player.

He Looks Like He Is Straight Out Of Hazard County Chasing Moonshiners Through All The Backroads. 😂
Just had time to check out the first video.

Note to all YouTube pedal reviewers. Get a rig that has a great clean or mild crunch tone to use for pedal demos. If you start with a mediocre guitar/amp/speaker combo, the pedal is handicapped already. This guitar and amp/speaker sound great before the pedal is even on. The pedal sounds GREAT! But that is a great tone before he ever turns it on. And that base tone is VERY clear in every setting he shows it. THIS is the meaning of transparency... not that the pedal doesn't add some clipping or has flat frequency response, but that you can very clearly hear the guitar and amps great tone no matter how this pedal is set.

Not bad for a small town Sheriff!
p.s. Those are the tones that always made me want one of those SAS's back in the day. Heck, I'd trade my Silver Sky for one of those right now after that demo. :cool:

The Deluxe version just dropped, fwiw

Looks cool. And big (!).

I'm often tempted to go with deluxe upgrades when manufacturers offer them; there's usually some trick stuff that makes the extra expense worthwhile.

The drawback is that it's big enough that I'd have to rearrange the pedalboard layout. I suppose I could move forward and add that second board I've been threatening to build.