Innards of an NF3?


Established 1960, Still Not Dead
Dec 10, 2019
Gulf Coast of Texas
(I posted this at the end of my NGD thread, but posting separate in hopes someone might have this.)

As most here know, I’ve recently fixed my lack-of-NF3-ness. I’m really impressed with the Narrowfields and noticed there is no darkening of the tone when you roll the volume down. I really like that when playing single channel amps like the HX/DA. I’m curious as to which components are being used, and wondered if anyone has pics of the inside of their NF3. Please post here if you do!

If this gets no responses, I’ll post pics at my next string change (strings are new on it right now).
I would bet your guitar volume pot has a treble bleed circuit across the first and second lugs. If you open the control cover and see a small ceramic cap soldered to the two lugs of that pot, there you go.
I think it’s exactly this. The tone control works fine, but there is no muffled dark tone when you lower the volume, which I love. I assume it’s a bleed, and wondered what value the cap might be. I’d like to try it on my HBs.

I wasn’t sure if that was a factory wiring in 2013, or if it was something added. I couldn’t recall if my other one was like that or not.
180 pF is correct.

I just replaced the guts of a Strat with all Andy Timmons electronics. They spec a 580 pF, but I ended up trying two parallel 220 pFs for a net 440 pF, and there are highs for days when rolled down. I think I prefer the lower value in general, but you can clip a cap in place just test it, see what you like best.
180 pF is correct.

I just replaced the guts of a Strat with all Andy Timmons electronics. They spec a 580 pF, but I ended up trying two parallel 220 pFs for a net 440 pF, and there are highs for days when rolled down. I think I prefer the lower value in general, but you can clip a cap in place just test it, see what you like best.
I just watched a video where the guy did just that! Cool idea
Factory spec in the published diagram is 180pf

I find this VERY useful because when you roll the volume back, the output drops like you expect and it gets brighter so you get that more single-coil tone coming through.
Do you have a link to that diagram? I’ve not found it yet.