I'm That Little Old Lady.

These days , I rarely exceed the speed limit , which in Georgia is a little daft, they all drive fast. It's a very easy car to putt around it , and when the mood strikes .. big smiles. I remember as a youth seeing old men in fast cars just putting and it drove me nuts.. now I understand....

I got the Porsche after a near fatal motorcycle accident, 10 weeks in ICU .. nasty . Big settlement ( old lady hit me from behind when I was stopped making a left... at 55mph ...didn't brake until 20ft AFTER impact, all on film at the MotorCafe' I was pulling into .. )

After several months of searching I found it up in Wallingford , CT .. I flew up .. still on Crutches .. hobble off the prop job in the tiny airport .. the guy from the dealer is picking me up ...
He sees the crutches and freaks ... "You're going to be shipping the car back Sir? " No ... I can't walk but I can drive! Freaked him OUT !

It was the highest spec 987.2 imported to the US in 2011, they only imported 516 . Before I picked it up another Dealer contacted me .. he wanted to buy it from me for his personal car.. and told me all about it. PDK /Sport Chrono , "R" suspension and exhaust 19" Carerra wheels K&N dyno Tuned...

The Doc that spec'd it wanted an R that was luxurious... kinda like the GT3 Touring.. it is a total blast to drive fast on track..1.41 G is a lot of fun .. My grandsons LOVE it ..

She had 9185 miles 3 yrs old ... a Doctor's Date car.. SO I've put on 24K in 10 years .. my Mechanic bugs me to drive it more.. I will now .. letting it sit too much led to a COSTLY repair. ..lesson learned

Always loved that model. It's one of the most beautiful cars of the modern era -- just my opinion. The graceful lines put it right up there with any other classic.

Not to mention that the performance is off the charts. Enjoy that thing!
I just haven’t had access to my car for a few years.

When the pandy hit, my wife started WFH and has’nt/will never return to the office, so her car has been sitting rotting in our garage.

But then her dad has health issues and their family is rallying behind him, which means my car is gone most of the time from her driving.

She’s also quit drankin’ over the pandy and has developed car sickness when she isn’t driving so… I’m basically a passenger these days… which is awesome.
I have days that I drive the distance you’ve driven since you got the car.
Still, I drive a lot less than I did when I was working for a living.
I used to love driving trips. But these days every trip is ten miles an hour traffic in the middle of nowhere because of construction, and it's worse in cities.

Chicago's North Shore suburbs were a 4.5 -5.5 hour drive not that long ago. This past summer, crawling through all that traffic took 8.5 hours of stop and go.

My back hurts just thinking about it.

On the other hand, last year my flight home from Chicago...delayed from 5 PM to 1:30 AM, in addition to all the other airport unpleasantness. Which is why I drive when possible.
My vehicles have always been high milers; sort of goes with the territory living out in the rural area of western Canada. My former truck (GMC D'max bought new in '06) had over 300k miles on it when I traded it for the newer one 2 years ago. When I retired I thought I would really reduce the amount of driving I did since my daily commute added up a minimum of 300 miles a week. Couple that with my penchant for road trips I averaged about 20k per year (miles, so roughly 30k in kilometers). And that doesn't include the 10k or so I log on my Goldwing annually and God knows how many miles around racetracks (not that laps really count right?).
In the last two years since retiring, I've still managed to ring up nearly 25k miles on my truck somehow. And I really try to limit my trips into town to strict necessities. And city trips I limit to absolute essentials (medical and well, there are no guitar shops out here...). I haven't gone on a vacation road trip (four wheels or two) since COVID, just hauling my toy hauler with the track bike around Alberta for race meets really.
So I've really dropped my fuel burn, but with the price increase at the diesel pump, the cost hasn't really gone down per se. And on a fixed income that just plain sucks. Like, there are essentials that require money... like new music gear y'know? And race tires, more go fast goodies... 🤣
I've had my Porsche for 14 years .. it still hasn't hit 34,000
I've had my Porsche for 42 years .. it still hasn't hit 34,000 .. more than three times

But it already had 98K when I got it so it's less than 4K annually since then. And most of that was commuting the 20 miles each way from Pacific Palisades to Reseda for a decade, fortunately opposite congestion. Felt great going 70+ when the other side was sitting in LA rush hour traffic.
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We got our Ridgeline in May, 2023. Just yesterday I checked the mileage-- a little over 16k in roughly 19-months-- which seems about right for us. We are both retired, but enjoy short road-trips. This was our only vehicle until recently...

We got our Ridgeline in May, 2023. Just yesterday I checked the mileage-- a little over 16k in roughly 19-months-- which seems about right for us. We are both retired, but enjoy short road-trips. This was our only vehicle until recently...

On my third Ridgeline (2008, 2017 Black Edition and 2021 RTL-E). I only got rid of the ‘17 with 26k miles because, again, stupid offers on used vehicles. They gave me $5k less than I paid for it back in 2017. Too good to pass up. Plus, I was a little worried about the 6 speed transmission.
On my third Ridgeline (2008, 2017 Black Edition and 2021 RTL-E). I only got rid of the ‘17 with 26k miles because, again, stupid offers on used vehicles. They gave me $5k less than I paid for it back in 2017. Too good to pass up. Plus, I was a little worried about the 6 speed transmission.
It was funny reading that, because we did the same thing with my 2018 F-150-- and pretty much the same deal(!) At that time we still had my wife's Mazda compact SUV thing, which ultimately met an early demise resulting in us buying the Ridgeline :)

This has been a good truck, with a few QC issues (water leaking into the cab) that were addressed by the dealer. It's one of the best homeowner vehicles out there: easy to load/unload, easy to reach inside the bed from the sides, good tie-down points for securing a load, enough cargo space to make a single spring-time trip to the dump, carries just the right amount of heating pellets in the winter, and lawn-care stuff in the spring. Wish we had bought this before the string of F-150s we had LOL! The interior is spacious enough for my wife & I to be comfortable up front with the dog & luggage in the back.

Just wish we had more opportunities to drive it more often :D
I've had my Porsche for 42 years .. it still hasn't hit 34,000 .. more than three times

But it already had 98K when I got it so it's less than 4K annually since then. And most of that was commuting the 20 miles each way from Pacific Palisades to Reseda for a decade, fortunately opposite congestion. Felt great going 70+ when the other side was sitting in LA rush hour traffic.
I still drive a car with a rolling odometer. I like them. Mine has an extra digit though, so I probably won’t see any number twice.
It was funny reading that, because we did the same thing with my 2018 F-150-- and pretty much the same deal(!) At that time we still had my wife's Mazda compact SUV thing, which ultimately met an early demise resulting in us buying the Ridgeline :)

This has been a good truck, with a few QC issues (water leaking into the cab) that were addressed by the dealer. It's one of the best homeowner vehicles out there: easy to load/unload, easy to reach inside the bed from the sides, good tie-down points for securing a load, enough cargo space to make a single spring-time trip to the dump, carries just the right amount of heating pellets in the winter, and lawn-care stuff in the spring. Wish we had bought this before the string of F-150s we had LOL! The interior is spacious enough for my wife & I to be comfortable up front with the dog & luggage in the back.

Just wish we had more opportunities to drive it more often :D
The swing open tailgate and in bed trunk are what originally sold me. That and the rest keep me coming back!