I'm That Little Old Lady.


Master Of The Universe (Emeritus)
Apr 26, 2012
I'm the little old lady that people used to talk about when they found a very low mileage 20 year old car that was driven by a little old lady.

Not the one from Pasadena. She at least got her car out of the garage and raced the damn thing.

I got a new car at the beginning of June. Today I decided I'd better put winter floor mats in it, because, winter. So I got some from Weather Tech and installed them. Out of curiosity, I decided to see how many miles I've put on the car. Hey, it might need an oil change or something, right?

I had cataract surgery in January, and I see distances perfectly. My other glasses are strictly for reading, useless for driving, so I haven't paid attention to the blurry little mile numbers at the bottom of the display showing how many miles I've driven.

Understand that in my imagination I use a car often, and go lots of places, almost like your normal, typical, suburban person.

So I turned on the accessory switch, put on my readers, and looked. I couldn't stop laughing.

From early June to the end of December, I've averaged one hundred sixty four and a half miles - per month!!


I thought I was kidding when I said, "I never get out of the house."

"What do you need a car for at all, Laz?"

"Apparently, just doctor appointments."
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Yup. Up there with you, Les. Bought a new 2022 hatchback in April and end of 2024 have put about 8700 miles on the car. Most is driving to work and back, grocery store rides. The occasional visit to friends cross state lines of about 35 minutes each way. The most the car has driven was a 1-½ hour trip this past October for my niece's wedding to mid-central MA and back.

The car averages about 157 miles per month. Only thing I'll need to do soon is check for windshield wipers, fluids, brake tension and tire rotation. Waiting for a nice partly cloudy warm day to take the car up to the car wash and clean out the under carriage and give her a good wash.
These days , I rarely exceed the speed limit , which in Georgia is a little daft, they all drive fast. It's a very easy car to putt around it , and when the mood strikes .. big smiles. I remember as a youth seeing old men in fast cars just putting and it drove me nuts.. now I understand....

I got the Porsche after a near fatal motorcycle accident, 10 weeks in ICU .. nasty . Big settlement ( old lady hit me from behind when I was stopped making a left... at 55mph ...didn't brake until 20ft AFTER impact, all on film at the MotorCafe' I was pulling into .. )

After several months of searching I found it up in Wallingford , CT .. I flew up .. still on Crutches .. hobble off the prop job in the tiny airport .. the guy from the dealer is picking me up ...
He sees the crutches and freaks ... "You're going to be shipping the car back Sir? " No ... I can't walk but I can drive! Freaked him OUT !

It was the highest spec 987.2 imported to the US in 2011, they only imported 516 . Before I picked it up another Dealer contacted me .. he wanted to buy it from me for his personal car.. and told me all about it. PDK /Sport Chrono , "R" suspension and exhaust 19" Carerra wheels K&N dyno Tuned...

The Doc that spec'd it wanted an R that was luxurious... kinda like the GT3 Touring.. it is a total blast to drive fast on track..1.41 G is a lot of fun .. My grandsons LOVE it ..

She had 9185 miles 3 yrs old ... a Doctor's Date car.. SO I've put on 24K in 10 years .. my Mechanic bugs me to drive it more.. I will now .. letting it sit too much led to a COSTLY repair. ..lesson learned

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I got my 21 Ridgeline at the end of June, 2021 and just clicked over 6,000. The Mrs retired in 2019, and I’ve been working from home since 2007. We sold her Grand Cherokee during Covid when dealers were offering stupid money for used cars. We’ve fully embraced the hermit life.
Since they made my job remote in March of 2020, my vehicle only gets driven when I go to camp or a doctor appointment. Once in a while I have to drive to the airport or work but that doesn't happen very often. It sets so much that I worry about the gas going bad in it. I tell my wife to drive it to work once in a while, which isn't that far. Her car doesn't get any real mileage either since she only drives it about 15 miles 5 days a week.