I Like Everyone Here

I think this is the best forum on the web. I know this is a good season for feeling close to my brother and sister guitar players, but it’s more than that.

PRS players are my peeps.

I wish I had something new and exciting to talk about every time I’m here, but of course, I don’t.
Couldn’t have put it better myself. It’s a great forum. Happy new year, from across the pond.
This is the only forum I'm a member of....the only one I've ever been a part of, so I really don't have much to compare it to.

I will say, outside of this place, I'm not much of a social person and generally don't engage much in social activity. So outside of my family, this is the closest thing to a group of friends that I have. I really enjoy the camaraderie, mutual respect, and wealth of knowledge you all share here.

This place is, without a doubt, a bit of a gem. It's great to know that, along with manufacturing incredibly solid guitars, PRS is also the base of an incredibly solid community.
Mention the pipers, go ahead, mention the pipers

Kind of you to say that. Thank you.

How many of us do you think are still around?

I’m going to guess wildly and say at least 75%, but it’s hard to remember, even though it was only a few years ago.

What I DO remember very well is the tremendous effort you put into encouraging folks to post on the site when it first got going. You made sure it wasn’t going to fizzle out for lack of interest by doing that, and it worked. Look at what a success this site is! It’s far and away better than most manufacturer sites, and there’s a real sense of community.

I also recall hearing that you did a lot of work behind the scenes to make sure this site would run well. Sometimes folks have short memories, and newer members of course wouldn’t know. But I remember the effort, and I think newer members should know why this place is so great.

If there is such a thing as a website “founding father,” you’re the guy.

Granted, PRS had some great folks on top of things, too, and they still do; but you were here strictly out of enthusiasm, and to me, that’s noteworthy.

Credit where it’s due, man.