I Have The Best Tone In The Universe.


Too Many Notes
Apr 26, 2012
Feel free to disagree.

PRS Guitars, DG30 and HXDA. Never mind my pedalboard, which is infinitely superior in tone to most. ;)

Feel free to disagree. I'm not changing my mind without clips.

Let's hear those clips! Participate without clips at your own risk!

Note: Your loss is preordained. ;)
I'm pretty sure the tone that Tenacious D used in that song to slay that demon--long ago on a lonesome road--had the best tone in the universe.

Granted, I've never heard that song myself--I've only heard a tribute to that song, which didn't sound anything like it--but one has to believe that it sounded amazing...
Here's the weird thing, ladies and gentlemen:

Not only do I not remember posting this thread yesterday, I find it hard to believe I posted this thread!

Of course, I don't disagree with the version of myself that originally posted the thread... ;)