I have accepted the fact that Im just a PRS guy...


New Member
May 5, 2016
I just returned a strat today and have been looking for another style guitar as I have now accumulated 4 PRS, 3 USA and 1 SE....I keep buying and selling or returning other Fenders and Gibsons and Charvels and others because I just feel at home with the PRS offerings, I need a 22 fret bolt on but it will probable be an older CE 22 or maybe a new offering this year well see....plus they look great on stage lets be honest lol
I just returned a strat today and have been looking for another style guitar as I have now accumulated 4 PRS, 3 USA and 1 SE....I keep buying and selling or returning other Fenders and Gibsons and Charvels and others because I just feel at home with the PRS offerings, I need a 22 fret bolt on but it will probable be an older CE 22 or maybe a new offering this year well see....plus they look great on stage lets be honest lol

Ah, I see you caught P.R.S. too (Paul Reed Syndrome).

Well, Silver Sky seems ideal, but honestly I reccomend the CE. Those are phenomenal instruments and there are great values on the used market. Ill be saving up for one of those later in the year.
I've been all-PRS for about 17 years. I like playing them. I use them in my work.

Too often folks will say, "Well you need a Strat, a Tele, an LP, maybe a Rick," et cetera ad infinitum.

Nope. Not true. What a player needs is a guitar the player likes playing, one that also gives the player tones the player wants to hear. Find one, and it's awfully hard to justify running around in circles or in a million directions.

This isn't to say that anyone's wrong if having multiple types of guitars gives them guitars they like playing and tones they want to hear. That's fine, too.

Presumably we play because we're at least somewhat creative and love making music. Any set of instruments that helps you achieve both goals is the right thing to stick with.
I just returned a strat today and have been looking for another style guitar as I have now accumulated 4 PRS, 3 USA and 1 SE....I keep buying and selling or returning other Fenders and Gibsons and Charvels and others because I just feel at home with the PRS offerings, I need a 22 fret bolt on but it will probable be an older CE 22 or maybe a new offering this year well see....plus they look great on stage lets be honest lol
Hey--you know, don't forget: a Swamp Ash Special could be another great way to satisfy that 22-fret bolt-on craving!

Myself, well... I just counted and it appears that 14 of the last 15 guitars to come INTO my possession have been PRSi. That ain't bad, considering that's over 1/3 of all the guitars I've ever owned. Granted not all of those have stayed (we've all gotta find our favorites among other "great but not my favorite" guitars) but I think it's clear that I'm a convert too.
I could see it. Early stages of narrowing down my next. I can't say that my collection would be PRS exclusive though...Yet. My Collings is staying. Hopefully I can remain in the club? :)
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I purposefully never played a PRS guitar for years and years because I knew I would love them and this would only fuel my unquenchable thirst for guitars. I like thick strings but they don't fit in well with cheap guitars. My poor stratocasters all complain about 12 gauge strings so I finally broke down and bought a PRS. What great potential lies within, but the door is now opened and there is no way back!
I’m headed in the same direction. A few months back, on a lark, I bought a cheap green ‘01 Santana SE, just cuz I liked how it looked, but I was pleasantly surprised. Since, I’ve gotten four more SE’s, another Santana in white (my avatar), this one has become my #2 fave. Then, I found a CU 22 SH for a steal of a deal, oh my, the hook was set with this one, it is my fave. Then I got a STD 24 from Dave’s Guitar, and then an EG HSS off of Reverb, these have not been the insta--bonds that I’ve had with the others. Regardless, they all feel so good and are so playable, that I am starting to sell off my other branded guitars. Recently sold my ‘10 Fender Kenny Wayne Shepherd, which was the nicest axe I owned. For the collector in me, that kinda hurt, but as a player I don’t miss it. Anyway, I’m now saving for a SE HB II Piezo. And eventually, I want an SE 277 SH, and an SE 245 Soapbar, and an NF3, and a...
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