I’m headed in the same direction. A few months back, on a lark, I bought a cheap green ‘01 Santana SE, just cuz I liked how it looked, but I was pleasantly surprised. Since, I’ve gotten four more SE’s, another Santana in white (my avatar), this one has become my #2 fave. Then, I found a CU 22 SH for a steal of a deal, oh my, the hook was set with this one, it is my fave. Then I got a STD 24 from Dave’s Guitar, and then an EG HSS off of Reverb, these have not been the insta--bonds that I’ve had with the others. Regardless, they all feel so good and are so playable, that I am starting to sell off my other branded guitars. Recently sold my ‘10 Fender Kenny Wayne Shepherd, which was the nicest axe I owned. For the collector in me, that kinda hurt, but as a player I don’t miss it. Anyway, I’m now saving for a SE HB II Piezo. And eventually, I want an SE 277 SH, and an SE 245 Soapbar, and an NF3, and a...