HXDA "Update"?


GAS that a 55 gallon drum of pepto wouldn’t cure
Jul 7, 2020
North of LA

Anyone aware of PRS making a factory "update" (master voltage or master volume, from what I understand) available for HXDA amps? Someone asked me if my head had either. Guessing if this service was actually offered it would be like something Boogie did back in the day for the Mark series amps.

I’ve heard rumors of a HX/DA return, but that’s all. I discussed mods with the PTC, such as the effects loop you used to be able to get added, but no dice. Both of mine have a master volume, so that wouldn’t be new, but the other idea. Hmmm.

Following Eddie Van Halen’s passing, I was inspired to replicate his Variac experiments. Unsurprisingly, it worked just like he always said. Also unsurprisingly, I sounded no more like Sir Edward than I did before! But it did make me think that a 100 watt HX/DA with a built in variable power supply would make a very cool homage to Eddie, and make for an awesome new series...


Or maybe the EVHX/DA !

I’d buy one!
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Clarification - this would be a factory update as in, send your amp back to the factory, they would do some tweaking, and then return your amp to you...

The EVH thing would be interesting! Gawd I remember hearing Eruption for the first time in '79 and wondering "How the $@&%" is that coming out of guitar? </geezer>
Clarification - this would be a factory update as in, send your amp back to the factory, they would do some tweaking, and then return your amp to you...

I've seen a number of things done when the CAD was open and making changes, stuff like adding loops, tone stack switches, cross-model additions or tremolo. Seems to me there were also 100 watt heads originally made for some folks. Never seen any mod to "Brown Sound" any version. Doesn't mean there aren't one or two out there with such a modification but I've never seen any evidence. I have a 30 watt combo and a 50 watt head, both made to the specifications you always see.
Thanks for the reply, but lol, please disregard any mention of EVH or Brown Sound in relation to my original question - was just a light-hearted thread hijack by another member :cool:

To clarify a-one-mo-time... ;)

Is anyone aware of ANY post-sales modifications that PRS was offering for their HXDA heads 30, 50 or 100w, whereby the owner would ship the unit back to the factory for? SImilar to the way that Boogie was offering a MKIIC+ mod back in the day.

Sorry for the unintended derail!

I believe all of us are saying the same thing though... we have multiple HXDAs, have contacted the factory about mods, and it was a no-go. As far as I am aware, there is no planned program of factory mods of any kind for the HXDA.

I hope time will prove me very wrong, but the only whispers I’ve heard were wish list items like I mentioned. No “factory update” to a new spec.
I think you’d have a tough time getting any mods done at the factory right now - from what I hear, it’s all hands on deck working on filling dealer orders for guitars. In fact, some amps were quietly discontinued (JMOD, Archon).

On a brighter note, hopefully that means new amps coming soon!
I think Tuscon is correct; while the CAD shop was the official PRS amp thing, they would do special tweaks. I can't recall one on an HXDA, but I remember that members had mods done to other CAD models.