HXDA suddenly failed - bias adjust reads 0 mV

It was a bit of a sorted tail, no pun intended. The first guy was Dream Theater Rules and Julie Bowen, all the way. Well, and Marie. He posted pics of himself in a Speedo which created both some who were jealous, and some who were "fans." (You all know which you are).

So, he gets upset and leaves, but like most people, he can't live without this place so he comes back. In a bit of a plot twist, the new guy is "Winger Rules. Yes, he loves Dream Theater and Julie Bowen. (And of course Marie). But he throws Winger and Sofia Vergara into the mix. This brings some confusion, some new detractors, and of course (I mean, SOFIA VERGARA!) some new fans. He is a kinder gentler version of DTR, not cracking wise as much and not poking fun at people who like soccer and hockey.

After a while though, he resorts to old habits, and naturally then decides to just reclaim the name as well. DreamTheaterRules was back! Some preferred the kinder gentler Winger Rules, even if it means liking someone with Winger in their name. Some just wish he would go away altogether. Some wish he could be replaced by someone with a screen name of PearlJamRules who likes hockey and soccer. Those are the weirdos.
I Am Ok With A CannibalCorpseRules Situation. Just Don't Go Posting Joy Behar Pics To Match The Mayhem Of The Band.
Some wish he could be replaced by someone with a screen name of PearlJamRules who likes hockey and soccer. Those are the weirdos.
Pearl Jam's music is good. But I can't in good conscience be friends with anyone who names himself after some band and adds the word, 'rules'.

I mean, come on FanOfSomeRandomBandRules, you can come up with a better name than that. Like, oh, Deleted Member 5962.

Speaking of weirdos,
I did wonder who deleted his member -- and why.

I've always planned on keeping mine, because it's been a source of great merriment and joy, and not only to me. I've shared! 🤣

I'd like to add that hockey is a great sport.
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Pearl Jam's music is good. But I can't in good conscience be friends with anyone who names himself after some band and adds the word, 'rules'.

I mean, come on FanOfSomeRandomBandRules, you can come up with a better name than that. Like, oh, Deleted Member 5962.
I’m confused. You just said we were friends in another thread, and besides, “Deleted Member 5962” was already taken. :D
When I joined the first Internet forum I was ever on, I had my first name and initial as my user name. It was the original Line 6 forum, so a big forum. As I started to develop some buddies there, the more internet savvy ones said to “never use your real name on an Internet forum.” They later said that if you were a musician, you would use your real name for name recognition, but otherwise don’t. I changed it to my initials and numbers.

When a group of buddies broke off and started their own forum, I initially used the same user name there. However, that group was small, and had a number of other huge Dream Theater fans, like myself. Several of the members there started saying it was becoming a Dream Theater forum because there was so much talk about the band, the music, etc. So one day as a joke, several of us changed our names to something with “Dream Theater” in it, and this is mine. I never changed it back there, and I’ve used it in every other music forum since. Here, Boogie Board, Barber pedals forum, EBMM, BYOC Pedals, SE Watt, and other amp forums… basically ever music forum I’ve been in for the last 20 years. I was in 3-4 coffee forums and used different names there. But, at the time, I was in multiple music forums and would run across guys in more than one of them, so using one name made sense so your buddies from one forum knew it was you if they saw you in another one.

Now, I only hang out here, a little at TGP and at Blade Forums, where I have only lurked for a few months and most likely will not be DTR if I do create an account and post there. The last time I changed my name here, I had several friends that didn’t know it was me for weeks, so I figured I better stick with this one from now on and let the chips fall where they may.
When I joined the first Internet forum I was ever on, I had my first name and initial as my user name. It was the original Line 6 forum, so a big forum. As I started to develop some buddies there, the more internet savvy ones said to “never use your real name on an Internet forum.” They later said that if you were a musician, you would use your real name for name recognition, but otherwise don’t. I changed it to my initials and numbers.

When a group of buddies broke off and started their own forum, I initially used the same user name there. However, that group was small, and had a number of other huge Dream Theater fans, like myself. Several of the members there started saying it was becoming a Dream Theater forum because there was so much talk about the band, the music, etc. So one day as a joke, several of us changed our names to something with “Dream Theater” in it, and this is mine. I never changed it back there, and I’ve used it in every other music forum since. Here, Boogie Board, Barber pedals forum, EBMM, BYOC Pedals, SE Watt, and other amp forums… basically ever music forum I’ve been in for the last 20 years. I was in 3-4 coffee forums and used different names there. But, at the time, I was in multiple music forums and would run across guys in more than one of them, so using one name made sense so your buddies from one forum knew it was you if they saw you in another one.

Now, I only hang out here, a little at TGP and at Blade Forums, where I have only lurked for a few months and most likely will not be DTR if I do create an account and post there. The last time I changed my name here, I had several friends that didn’t know it was me for weeks, so I figured I better stick with this one from now on and let the chips fall where they may.
Fine. Then I’m changing my handle to WTFThereAreCoffeeForums?
We are friends. That’s why I’m taking the liberty of kidding around with you.

Presumptuous of me, isn’t it?
Oh, I know. But forum names are an interesting dynamic. Some prefer complete anonymity. Some who are in the business, use their real full name, for name recognition, to build their media base, etc. Some screen name themselves after gear brands, some after songs, some after movie characters, some use initials or nicknames, or silly/fun names (Jive Turkey at TGP! LOL) some use a screen name but openly state their real name, while some seemingly don't even want the guys they've hung out with for years to know their real names. It's a mixed bag of people who tell you right up front who they are and people who you "know" for years and never know their name. In 6 or so years in this forum, I've only met one member in person. The rest of you could all be a fantasy. :D
Fine. Then I’m changing my handle to WTFThereAreCoffeeForums?
If you think that some or many here obsess over tone and minutiae over guitars, amps, tubes, cables, mics, etc., you should spend a few minutes in a forum with the serious espresso guys. I stopped way short of that craziness, but am always interested in tips on brew methods, roasting, bean flavors, etc.
If you think that some or many here obsess over tone and minutiae over guitars, amps, tubes, cables, mics, etc., you should spend a few minutes in a forum with the serious espresso guys. I stopped way short of that craziness
Great restraint.

Craziness would be coaxing the best tone out of expresso beans.
If you think that some or many here obsess over tone and minutiae over guitars, amps, tubes, cables, mics, etc., you should spend a few minutes in a forum with the serious espresso guys. I stopped way short of that craziness, but am always interested in tips on brew methods, roasting, bean flavors, etc.
That actually surprises me...though it shouldn't, right?
Imagine if you will
Yet another thread sinks into the Twilight Zone

Rod Serling would be proud

do do doo do do do doo do do do doo do
The part I quoted you on.
:) So you're surprised at how crazy the espresso guys are, or that I didn't get involved in that, or that I was in the forums for brew methods, roasting and bean info? If the latter, I know we don't all ready every post but coffee has come up several times here and I've mentioned that I'm really into all that, including roasting all of our coffee myself. I have multiple brew methods and follow close recipe in all of them. I have two Moccamasters for my "regular" coffee makers.