Hurricane Leslie


New Member
May 20, 2012
Anyone else having to deal with this hurricane? I am in Newfoundland, and while you always hear about certain states always getting nailed by these storms, what the news leaves out is that they always head straight towards us afterwards.

Over the next 12 hours we will get 120mm of rain, and 70mph winds....down right miserable .

Yes, guitars are cased and hopefully safe!
No Leslie here but we get our fair share of tropical weather systems on the Virginia coast. Just a couple weeks ago we had 7.25" of rain in one day. Batten down the hatches and stay safe, best of luck to you guys.
Stay safe and refrain from urinating into the wind. Unless you're into such a thing. ;)
Hey I'm in St. John's, Newfoundland. Our power was out when I woke up this morning and a lot of businesses are closed. There is some damage around town. A lot of uprooted trees and houses missing siding. We didn't get much rain like other parts of the island. I took the opportunity to pull the strings of my CU24 and clean the fretboard.
Saw a clip on the news today where Leslie picked up a fellow's garage and placed it on top of his Corvette. Ouch!