How to sell a Ps.

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New Member
Oct 13, 2012
Regina, Sk. Canada
Hi guys any help would be appreciated. Can any of you give me some info on the best way to sell a Ps
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I see a fair amount of high end guitars - bought and sold on the Vintage Rocker Forums and The Gear Page.
I've sold a Gilmour Strat on the gear page - not a PS price range guitar but up there - had lots of interest and it sold within a day.

edit : just saw your question "Brent" is The Guitar Shop in Canada. Does a ton of high end guitars from what I've seen on the forums. I've never met him but his online persona is pretty cool. He's one of the guys on my short list when I get to buy my DGT. ;)
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Just about any high end dealer will sell it on consignment. Their fees will often be in the same range as what it will cost to sell on evilbay.
Every response you've received so far is highly suspect. The best answer would have been "KEEP IT."

Being in Canada, I highly recommend giving Brent a shout and let him deal with whatever border it might have to cross.
And it is very typical of a Brent specced guitar.
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