How long you've gone without GAS?


New Member
Jun 10, 2023
I've averaged a new guitar every two years since 2012 (with a new guitar in 2022 and 2023), often times around Black Friday or Christmas. My last guitar was my SE, which I received in '23 and have hardly done any window shopping since. Even if I did suddenly get GAS again, I have no idea what I'd even be interested in adding to the collection.

What guitar killed your GAS, or postponed it for a significant amount of time?

Also, just because I know someone's going to be unable to control themself...Fart. We're such a clever bunch.
I'm hoping to be done with it the last 2 I picked up were in October .. then I gave 2 to my grands .. so I'm at a net zero ...... .. maybe one more for my 70th bday this year ... a 40th anni Santana ...if I make it ...saving the pennies now.
I've averaged a new guitar every two years since 2012 (with a new guitar in 2022 and 2023), often times around Black Friday or Christmas. My last guitar was my SE, which I received in '23 and have hardly done any window shopping since. Even if I did suddenly get GAS again, I have no idea what I'd even be interested in adding to the collection.

What guitar killed your GAS, or postponed it for a significant amount of time?

Also, just because I know someone's going to be unable to control themself...Fart. We're such a clever bunch.
Guitar GAS? I always have that, but not strong enough to put the money on to the table.

Pedals? I'm honestly done, I don't believe I will spend much money on pedals in 2025, if any. I actually axed two pedals from my forever coming pedalboard. Other than a different power grid and one pedal I just got back after 15 years in storage, nothing else really changed in this department.

Amps, though. I'm not sure for how much longer I will resist. I could live with one guitar, two or three pedals, but the GAS for new amp is always live.

Must... be... strong...
Last one was the 2019 594 SC SH and that was 1 year ago (plus a week or so).
This almost killed all the GAS... almost...
I have successfully quashed the desire for:
LP style
Strat style
Hollowbody style
Semihollow style
Piezo style
P90 style

What else?
Maybe Tele style, and acoustic...
And, that answers one side of this question for me. As of now, I have no amp gas. I may have a need for a small low wattage combo but as far as tones go, now that I have the Magic Bullet, I don’t even have interest in any more amps. For guitars, I’m still searching for my forever single coil guitar, but if I find it I could be done and more than happy.
Seriously, you need a Magic Bullet/Boars Feet/whatever you want to call it. Seriously. If you think you love the Fillmore now, wait til you hear it with that pedal in front of it.
Nah, OD pedals and me, we just don't blend together. Boosters? I'm interested. ODs? they are all the same. Hate to sound like a snob, but good tube amp and OD pedal is like medium rare ribeye with ketchup
Nah, OD pedals and me, we just don't blend together. Boosters? I'm interested. ODs? they are all the same. Hate to sound like a snob, but good tube amp and OD pedal is like medium rare ribeye with ketchup
Guess I’m the opposite. I’ve never found one, no matter how good, that can’t be enhanced with the right OD or boost pedals. Yes, I’ve heard (many) pedals that changed the character of an amp enough that you could say that it took away some of the amps magic. And/or, ones that were not transparent and while changing the amp tonally, reduced the overall transparency to an unacceptable amount. This pedal does neither. You can totally use it with no gain added, and just shape the tone and add boost. The magic of this pedals is its ability to shape the tone and add gain and boost, while being transparent and only adding too, not taking away from, any magic your amp has.
I keep finding that I spend way more time shopping than I should. Been thinking about that quite a bit this week, as my wife and son decided they’d give me a guitar for Christmas.

I told my wife tonight that I’m going to put the money into Vince’s 529 plan instead. Now we’ll see if I can do something as useful with my shopping time.
I guess you could say I had GAS. I picked up 25+ PRS guitars through trade or buy over about 10 years. Add a couple of Heritage H150's and a Strat or 2, and about a half dozen amps. Then I pared them down to 18 PRSI, one H150, one Strat, and the same half dozen amps.

Then one day I realized I have all the sound palette I want. Haven't even thought of changing it for 8 years now. It's a beautiful thing.
GAS - I try to believe that I'm fine with all the electrics that I selected to become mine.
Predominately not stick to cheap guitars helps to prevent oneself from hasty acquirements.

My GAS is killed concerning cabs. Discovering 3D sounding cabs made by Barefaced in UK was the first step. Having chosen the Celestion Neo 250 Copperback rejecting the recommendation of a V30 was the second step on the way to become satisfied. After the purchase of the Barefaced I compared it to my stock 4×12 and 2×12 cabs. It became the downfall of the 2×12. I got rid of it. But I missed the cab format.
A meeting with local PRS friends made me listen to Kammler cabinets.
And Dietmar Kammler built me my custom cab with a 12" and a 10" speaker. This cab is perfect to me.
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Guess I’m the opposite. I’ve never found one, no matter how good, that can’t be enhanced with the right OD or boost pedals. Yes, I’ve heard (many) pedals that changed the character of an amp enough that you could say that it took away some of the amps magic. And/or, ones that were not transparent and while changing the amp tonally, reduced the overall transparency to an unacceptable amount. This pedal does neither. You can totally use it with no gain added, and just shape the tone and add boost. The magic of this pedals is its ability to shape the tone and add gain and boost, while being transparent and only adding too, not taking away from, any magic your amp has.
I love love boosters. They don't sugarcoat, they don't take away the flavour. I'm leaning towards "character" boosts personally, with EP-style my all time favourite. I'm currently running two Chase Tone Secret Preamps; it's even hard to call them boosters as they maybe add +3dB in the sweet spot - around 6 on the dial, it's more of a bias knob than volume, anything above 6 and the signal drops again. But classic Xotic EP is my close second. I really like the "Push" side from the Dinosaural Cogmeister, it could potentially take the first spot for me if it's only a separate pedal. This thing does things to the signal! I have an urge to try Origin M-Eq, but I'm also tired of trying, when my current setup gives me all I love