Hollowbody Strings


New Member
Jul 5, 2013
Those of you with Hollowbody II's...what string gauge is stock? I know they are .11's, but what are the gauges?

I normally play .10's on all my PRSi, so the wound G feels a little strange to me.

Anyone have any luck just running .10's on their HB II's? Or would you guys suggest sticking with the .11's on it?
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If you switch to 10s make sure to get a setup done or do it yourself if you're comfy with it. They work just fine, after adjustments are made.
When I owned my HBII, I strung it with .010 - .046 gauge strings (plain G). Fortunately the intonation is individually adjustable per string on the HBII*, so the gauge you use shouldn't be an issue, nor should a wound G if that's what you choose to play.

*My guitar was an '03 with piezo, which at the time was an option (standard issue was regular wraparound bridge and no piezo). All HBIIs produced in the last couple of years come standard with piezo & adjustable bridge.
I can adjust the intonation easily enough, but unless it's a small tweak of the truss rod, I don't usually like messing around with that too much! :laugh:

I need to decide if I want my free 24 sets of strings with this guitar purchase to be .11's or not!
I play Mangan Pure Nickel 10.5 - 48 (plain G); great feel, great tone.
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Well, I won't be switching string brands anytime soon - I have about 200 sets of PRS .10's right now from the guitars and 2 amps I've bought during the 2013 Summer Thank You deal that ended yesterday!

I was just concerned how much of an adjustment would be needed if I switch to .10's on the guitar since it is set up currently for .11's. Intonation for sure, probably would need to adjust the piezo trim pot (at least for the G string going from wound to unwound), truss rod adjustment probably, etc.

I guess the first thing I need to decide is if I am going to keep the HBII. I'm not sold on the feel of the guitar. It, like all the other semi-hollow guitars I've owned and something I was worried about when I ordered this one, feels "cheap". I think it has something to do with the guitar being so light in weight - tricks my mind into thinking I'm holding a cigar box guitar! :dontknow:

Got some playing to do tonight!
Hmmm...maybe I'll go with the DGT Strings Set - .11's but with a plain, unwound G string. (I could choose the DGT's from PRS as my free 24 sets.)

Not enough of a tension change to alter the neck I'd think, and the intonation & peizo trim pot would only have to be adjusted a little bit I'd imagine.

Anybody use DGT's (or a different .11 gauge non-wound G set) on their Hollowbody?!?
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D'Addario makes a set of 10's w/a wound G string. Personally, I feel a plain G sounds thin with the piezo. The 10s are easier to play and the wound G gives a fuller sound...
I don't own a HBII yet, but I will someday soon. For what it's worth, I actually plan to string it with .11 gauge acoustic strings. :-)
I use D'Addario EXL115W strings on my HBII. 11/49 with a wound G string. The gauges are identical to to the PRS 11's except the G string is .021 with D'Addario and .020 with PRS. I use 10/46 on my other guitars but I like the feel and sound of the 11's on the HBII.
I'm having the same internal discussion about my new one, too. I used to use 11s on my Godin LGX (magnetic and piezo pickups), but have been using 10s for the last year. Same with the P22. I plan on adding push/pull taps for each pickup on the SC HB II, and want it to be my main guitar. I don't know if I can live with 11s all the time.

Mapleleaf14, did you end up making a change?
I can't get down with a wound G, 10's on mine. 10/46. Changing gauge requires a set up.
Mapleleaf14, did you end up making a change?

I'm using Ernie Ball Power Slinky's right now until my PRS strings come in the mail. They are basically the same gauge as the DGT strings from PRS - a plain G string. Instantly felt better to me than the wound G string.
My HB was bought used and it had 10's. I liked it the way it was so I didn't change them.
On my Hollowbody Spruce top I'm running the stock strings with the wound G. It sounds best that way, and feel-wise, is not a huge difference between a standard .010-.046 with a plain G.
Waiting on my new HBII w/ piezo with wound G. I like elixir 11s. No wound G, so will they work fine without the wound G?
D'Addario makes a set of 10's w/a wound G string. Personally, I feel a plain G sounds thin with the piezo. The 10s are easier to play and the wound G gives a fuller sound...
Hey J,
Hey I do not believe my Elixirs have a wound G option... i have terrible acidity in my hands, and really need that coating..
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There are plenty of .011 gauge string sets with unwound Gs. Elevens put the HB in its wheelhouse, especially when using the piezo. Enjoy.