Hmm, wonder if this is gonna actually happen


Beautifully Broken
Feb 27, 2015
Savannah, GA

Go to 1:06. I've actually wondered if PRS would do an Explorer or V style guitar. But this doesn't quite hit the mark for me.
It could happen. If there was some demand, PRS thought it would sell and Mark gave his blessing, it could happen. My bet would be on a limited run, like the USA Holcomb, Tremonti Baritone and Waring models were.

I still think PRS should do a limited run of USA Holcomb 7 strings....
Not a fan of his music or the W/T neck on his siggy... but yeah, he comes off as a genuinely decent human being.
I have to admit I have never played one of his guitars. Creed and Alter Bridge have some good stuff, but it isn't my daily listening material. I enjoy it for a change of pace, though. One day I'll get Paul to re-release the 513 as my signature model. :eek:
Surprised to notice what looks like the reverse cutout headstock on it, wonder if it influenced the Silver Sky in any way.

I saw an interview with Mark somewhere about this guitar, and he basically said that when they were drawing the original design, they wanted to transfer an accurate neck shape to the whiteboard, so they held another PRS guitar face-first up to the board and traced it with a dry-erase marker. Because it was face-first (and thus backwards), the headstock appeared upside-down on the tracing, and then someone just suggested they keep it, so it stuck.
i do like lee amd his vids i guess it was watching them that made me want a prs more and more.
my first prs arrived today se custom 24 zebrawood. must say it looks and feels great.
tone knob seems too free, need to look at that but looks and finish are way better than my epi les paul or my epi sg g400 deluxe.
havnt pluged in yet so who knows.
Not a fan of V’s or Explorers. The Mockingbird thing is better but I probably wouldn’t go there either. I think if PRS goes there, I hope they sell a sh%@load. You know it would be a vast improvement from any of the originals. And yes, need a Trem and Floyd option.
That guitar didn’t get much positive response, at least on forums. I doubt they’d do any production run. Different size wood blanks, programming, etc - don’t make it a profitable venture unless there’s good demand there.

On the flip side, the talk of the MT-100 towards the end will certainly garner attention and they might be getting closer.