

New Member
Dec 18, 2024
So, a little background, I'm no stranger to soldering and wiring up standard guitars. Gimme a Strat a Tele or Les Paul and I'll have that bad boy singing in no time! BUT, and it's a huge one, this is my first time messing around with the wiring with Mini toggles added in. I'm working on a coworker's Custom SE 24-08, and it has the stock pups installed, but she bought it used and someone swapped the switches out before she bought it. Now I'm aiming for stock wiring, nothing flashy but the diagram from PRS has me confused. Around the two mini toggles. there's a comment about shared grounds. Now I don't know what the two skinny lines going to what appears to be the outside casing of the switches is. Now everything else seems ok, but the caps for the switches are missing as well so we're replacing those as well. All in an effort to have a stock axe.

Thank you all for your time with this PRS newb, and thank you in advance for any and all help!
Thank you so much!
No biggy.

i actually just took it off my google drive. Click the picture to enlarge it.

Just a note; the layout I have for SE is one I made with same functions as the Core 24-08 but with two section (2x DPDT) switches, as the Core 3PDT toggles wont fit. Electronically its almost the same thing, the main difference is; the split coil is not isolated, but rather shorted to the ground. Audibly no difference. The two DPDT switches, still have additional 220pf and 330pF capacitors installed. It may differ slightly from what is on PRS website, as I did mine before PRS published their layout. For the world of me, I can't remember if the colour code for the pickup leads are for SE pickups or the Core 85/15. Maybe someone else can contribute before I do some digging?

Either way, shout if you stuck

Things to consider: the pickup grounding wires can actually be redirected to the 2pdt switch, to one of these two sections linked. Any ground reference will work, but IMO that would make the layout cleanest. The neck pickups should be directed with screw coild towards the bridge for best results.

The red wire going to the middle section of the 3 way toggle HAVE to be red, 22 AWG. Other colours won't work
Things to consider: the pickup grounding wires can actually be redirected to the 2pdt switch, to one of these two sections linked. Any ground reference will work, but IMO that would make the layout cleanest. The neck pickups should be directed with screw coild towards the bridge for best results.

The red wire going to the middle section of the 3 way toggle HAVE to be red, 22 AWG. Other colours won't work
You are seriously a life saver! This is so much more understandable than PRS’ in my mind. I wish I could punch the previous owner of this axe a bit, the minis they have in there are such trash AMD melted to the point of the blades falling out of the damn switch. Poor woman paid $600 and I’m trying to clean it all up to hopefully earn that value for her
You are seriously a life saver! This is so much more understandable than PRS’ in my mind. I wish I could punch the previous owner of this axe a bit, the minis they have in there are such trash AMD melted to the point of the blades falling out of the damn switch. Poor woman paid $600 and I’m trying to clean it all up to hopefully earn that value for her
Thx for doing this for her. Again, happy to help if you stuck
@Matty509 you’re a good guy.

Hopefully you hang around.

Other than the dodgy wiring job that the last owner did, what do you think of the 24-08?
The ease of set up! The tuning machines alone were *chef’s kiss*! Plus even as an Indonesian made SE it was seriously high quality feeling. No scratchy fretboard (looking at you Epiphone) and the frets were beautiful!

Making me wanna snag my own PRS some day! Just need to make a bit more cash from these side hustle set ups lmao. (Honestly i just LOVE tinkering on guitars).
If you love tinkering, the SE CE 24 Standard Satin is the lowest price PRS and is a really fun platform to play around with. My next change will be the nut, after swapping around pickups, locking tuners, Mann Made bridge. I think over the past year I've put almost twice as much into it as what it originally cost.
If you love tinkering, the SE CE 24 Standard Satin is the lowest price PRS and is a really fun platform to play around with. My next change will be the nut, after swapping around pickups, locking tuners, Mann Made bridge. I think over the past year I've put almost twice as much into it as what it originally cost.
Tinkering keeps me going man! I love learning new skills either it. I just learned the other day how to file and measure nut slots! It was terrifying! 😂 but now all my guitars sound AMAZING!! It’s definitely worth learning in my opinion!

As a Fender and Epiphone fan boy, would that SE CE24 be any different? I don’t mind the GAS but I’d still have to justify it lmao.
As a Fender and Epiphone fan boy, would that SE CE24 be any different? I don’t mind the GAS but I’d still have to justify it lmao.
It's nothing like a Fender, maybe a bit like an Eli depending on model. It'll be very close to the SE Custom 24-08 you're working on, with a 3-way and push-pull tone rather than mini-toggles for splitting. You can check out new/used on Reverb to see how low they are in price.
It's nothing like a Fender, maybe a bit like an Eli depending on model. It'll be very close to the SE Custom 24-08 you're working on, with a 3-way and push-pull tone rather than mini-toggles for splitting. You can check out new/used on Reverb to see how low they are in price.
Thank you I’ll definitely check it em out!