Help With a Grissom Lick? “Get a leg up”


New Member
Aug 29, 2012
The FAR SIDE of the Middle of Nowhere
It's a John Mellencamp song so I assume it's David Grissom playing...
I’ve got the intro lick - but at about 00:15 into the song where the Vocal starts theres and little country style riff that I can’t get – It sounds like it starts with an A octive Hybrid pic’d thing – A on the G string and A on the high E but I get lost from sounds like it's got a hammer, pull, Hybrid pIcked, walking thing going...I lot going on and I can’t seem to get it.

Anybody got an idea of how the lick goes? I love the song and want to learn the whole thing!:D
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Looks like a combo of some hybrid picking and different chord voicings.
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You know, even as I was posting the video, I was thinking "He's probably seen this…" But I sat down with that video this afternoon and sorted it out. I'll leave the rhythm to you, but…

(And yes, I posted this at VR as well.)

That hybrid picking part starts with a pretty standard first position A with the A on the first string, fifth fret added:


Then he goes into a bit of a riff that's essentially A/G followed by A/F#

--5-- --5--
--5-- --5--
--x-- --x--
--5-- --4--
--x-- --x--
--x-- --x--

Followed by the sixth string E hammered to G then the fifth string open A to that first chord again, and the A/G A/F# with a slightly different rhythmic feel. Sixtrh string hammer on again to the first A chord, but then a variation on the A/G A/F#

--x-- --x--
--2-- --2--
--2-- --2--
--5-- --4--
--x-- --x--
--x-- --x--

Back to the hammer on and A, and the final variation

--x-- --x-- --x--
--2-- --3-- --3-
--x-- --x-- --x--
--5-- --5-- --4--
--x-- --x-- --x--
--x-- --x-- --x--
Thanks very much! :top:

On that 5th fret A/G to the A/F# - I was missing the fact that the G string got muted on some of that! I kept trying the chord shapes there because I could see where on the fret board he was in the video but could get it figured out! ;)

I'll start working on it tomorrow when I get to play! :D
Funny what throws us - even after I figured it out, that last bit, with the C# to D shift on the second string, gave me fits.

There's a run in the version of "Sofa" I'm working on - sixteenth notes, and if you take it in groups of four, the second and third groups are identical. I can play the first group to the second group pretty well, but the third group - exactly the same as the second - gives me fits. Seems like it should be so simple, but there's a bit of a block there.