Helix improved after yesterday's update


Avoiding imperial entanglements
Jan 5, 2023
Got the HX Stomp with a free Helix Native (software plug-in version) four years ago but was never really happy with the sounds even with York audio IR replacing the terrible stock cabs. After ordering the Fractal FM9 on the first day it was released in late 2021, the Helix system has only had a few hours per year and the Stomp has mostly been sitting in a box in the garage. Yesterday Line6 announced the first update in a year and some of the new models, especially the Bogners (someone at Line6 marketing must be color blind), aren't bad.


I'm not even thinking of switching from Fractal, LOVE the real world Archon and haven't tried some of the lower priced alternatives like Tonex, but for what used Stomps are going for on reverb, if I were just starting out in modeling it would be an option that I'd consider. One of the good things of the system is that Helix Native has a two week free trial to test out in a DAW.
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I'm not even thinking of switching from Fractal...
This is my feeling, even after a lot of new stuff has hit the market in recent years. My brother is starting into modelers now, and I suggested he go with the Fender Tonemaster Pro, as it has good sound and is the easiest to transition to interface I've ever seen. He's loving that thing so far. But it, too, is well above $1K, even used. Having something like the Helix out there that can be had at half or less the cost is a great option for people wanting to get their feet wet.

I'm the sort of mindset that says "the more options, the better" as far as guitar gear goes. There's something for everyone at nearly any price point these days, and I think that's excellent for the music community.
I love my HX lt, but mostly for its flexibility, routing options and the effects. The modelling/amp tones are useable, but have a strange hard edge to my ears, especially driven and the older models suffer from that flaw. Where a (loaded down) tube amp has a more organic, layered sound to it.

By the way, kemper has a similar organic tone, but lacks the layers. Tonex seems to do better in the layers, but not as rich. How Fractal fares in that respect I do not know. Would love to hear that one day.

The bogner amps are fun, tinkered with them a little bit, and am happy they are added. It was kind of a miss in the HX.
I love my HX lt, but mostly for its flexibility, routing options and the effects. The modelling/amp tones are useable, but have a strange hard edge to my ears, especially driven and the older models suffer from that flaw. Where a (loaded down) tube amp has a more organic, layered sound to it.
I’m no expert, but I seemed to get rid of that hard edge to my ears by tweaking the global EQ. Hold down the BYPASS button from anywhere to engage. I forgot how to tweak the settings, though.
There’s how tos on YouTube.
It may or may not get what youre after but for me it smooths out the signal pretty well.
Ex tinker(er) here, now I just use HX Stomp for effects into the front of my AC15, excels at that, and good enough for me, saves me buying more pedals on a whim.

Thanks for the headsup I shall go see what the new stuff is.