Have you ever recovered a Stolen Guitar.....

Yes. It was gone for years. I checked gbase and ebay diligently during that time period and just missed it a few times by a hair... I randomly checked eBay on Christmas Eve one year when I had a couple of minutes to kill....there it was....rather than go through the BS of contacting the seller about it being mine yadda yadda I just bought it back...it was mine and that was that...so I paid for it more than once!!! Oh well...better than some jackass having my guitar.

I never had one stolen, but I bought my son a PRS, and when he decided to go in another direction years later, I bought it from him. So I bought one twice, too. LOL
I have a 1958 Martin that my dad bought my mom that same year. You also need to know that I have a brother that is 10 years older than me.

When I was in my teens and learning to play on that guitar, it turned up missing one day. My brother said it was stolen. Well about 2 years later the guitar turns up one morning. Just setting there in the corner. My brother is asleep in bed. When he gets up (he was a bouncer in a bar in nowhere's ville AZ), he says that somebody was playing in the bar that night and had the guitar. My brother says he walked up and took it from the guy and just said "that's my guitar" and walked out with it. Now my brother is a notorious lier, so for all I know he pawned it and it took 2 years to get it back, but it's a good story anyway.

Here's the guitar.
Nope. Had 2 acoustics stolen years ago, I gave up after a couple years of searching.
Yes.....When my Ex-wife and I split up I stupidly left my first "Real" guitar I ever bought behind in the house along with a couple MM Strats I bought for my sons. When the nuclear war was over and I went back to get all my stuff all 3 were gone. My Ex said she had no idea where they were. I turned the serial #'s into the State Patrol and 3 or 4 years later I got a call. Someone had traded one of them in on a new guitar and luckily the store owner ran the serial # and held the guitar for 30 days. I got it back , but really had moved on to PRS's, so I E-Bay'd it........It now lives with some "Tool".....I think his name is Adam ?????

I have physically "Recovered" a stolen guitar. Per the FBI's crime reporting guidelines, I have recovered and returned a stolen guitar (or two) to its owner.
BTW - if anyone has a hot '65 Lake Placid Blue Stratocaster, my family would love to have it back. My Dad sold his white with matching headstock '64 Jazz Bass to buy the Stratocaster from Chuck Levin's in '65. While at the Naval Academy in '67, my Dad sold the guitar to my uncle (my Dad's girlfriend's brother - now my Mom - that makes no sense)...anyway he needed $200.00 to buy parts for his '53 TR3 and my uncle bought the gutiar. My uncle took the guitar to school, Woodson High School in Fairfax, VA, and it was stolen from his locker. I wish like crazy we could recover the gutiar. When my grandparents died, I actually found the receipt for the guitar. My Dad paid $229.00 for the Stratocaster.