has this ever happened to you, or am I crazy.


New Member
Oct 15, 2012
pensacola FL
I am learning stuff by leaps these days(thanks to this board), well last night I was trying to play some new chords and my guitar sounded like uncooked macaroni. I was thinking , oh know another setup problem,etec.

But this morning I picked it up and played the same excercise and it sounded great! Clean crisp and wonderful.. Is this in my head? (i was not fortified by narcotics or ethanol last night, just a Gyro and a Red Bull)

I learn a lot here

thanks DG:star:
They're not mutually exclusive. Just because it's happened to others, doesn't mean you're not crazy. :D
For me it's usually the other way. Before bed I come up with some neat riff I like. Next morning can't find anything even resembling what I thought was playing. :dontknow:
I had a guitar that I swear was 'cold' Picking it up, it physically felt colder than any other guitar in the room. I felt like you really had to play it a lot to get it 'warmed up'. I know it's all in my head, but it made sense. Loaned it to a friend for a while, and asked him what he thought about it. Without me ever explaining my feelings about it, he stated that he liked it the more he played it, but didn't like it for the first few minutes after picking it up each time. Weird.

Maybe you just 'over heated' your guitar!
Stuff is starting to click now..I have a DVD from Andy Aledort (he reminds me of Otto the Bus Driver on the Simpsons) watch a lot of Marty Schwartz on You Tube for picking and scales and such. But there is one guy , Andrew Ward who doesnt really give lessons,but for some reason he can explain things I can understand.. I used to have to always look at the guitarists fingers to get a solo or chord down, but now it seems I can pick it out by ear.. But ..I fooled myself about learning golf too.
Does anyone here have lessons on the internet?

Wanna thankBrian Rob Fitz and Rango.
Happens to me all the time. I was testing a new amp this week. On Tuesaday I found the perfect settings. Played for two hours of pure "in the zone" time. I thought this amp is a keeper. Next day with the same everything, I couln't bear to listen for more than 5 minutes- it was that bad.
Happens to me all the time. I was testing a new amp this week. On Tuesaday I found the perfect settings. Played for two hours of pure "in the zone" time. I thought this amp is a keeper. Next day with the same everything, I couln't bear to listen for more than 5 minutes- it was that bad.

Why is that? Do guitars and amps have estrogen?
Yes like a man once told me, If you think you can sing dont listen to the monitor, listen to the playback.
I'm a big believer in the atmosphere affecting both instruments and the ones playing them. Likewise for the levels AND quality of voltages coming out of outlets. One day my sound can be great. The next day, same guitar, same settings, same everything, and it just isn't working. I don't know if it's true or not, but I believe it, so I guess that makes it true to me. I've spoken to a lot of musicians over the years about this subject, and I've yet to meet one who doesn't believe it too, so even if I am dreaming it all, at least I'm not alone.

Goldtop Lloyd
uhh...can I go to forum jail? do I need to make it go away? I mean it would never make Humor in Uniform for Readers digest, but it was a slice of life.
I was gonna do a follow up post and tie in how I seem to pick things up easier and quicker when the sound is right, as opposed to being distracted by the sound and not focusing on whatever I'm trying to learn at the moment. But nevermind...

I was gonna do a follow up post and tie in how I seem to pick things up easier and quicker when the sound is right, as opposed to being distracted by the sound and not focusing on whatever I'm trying to learn at the moment. But nevermind...
You aren't alone. If the sound isn't right, I don't feel like I can accomplish much more than to exercise my fingers.
I was gonna do a follow up post and tie in how I seem to pick things up easier and quicker when the sound is right, as opposed to being distracted by the sound and not focusing on whatever I'm trying to learn at the moment. But nevermind...


I realize it looks as though my emoticon comment was directed to your response Lloyd, but it wasn't. There was a deleted thread that I did not quote from Dave (he's a prankster like me) so please don't think that your comments are unwanted.

I am always surprised how much better I play when my tone is really happening.
Last time I looked at this thread I was thinking "Ohhhh boy!"

Yeah, it happens a lot. There are days I pick up the guitar and everything seems wrong. The tone, the guitar, me...

There may or may not be an environmental factor but most of the time I suspect it's purely psychological.

But there's nothing better than those days when it all comes together and everything works out! :)
I subscribe to GuitarTricks.com. They post a pretty comprehensive learning experience from beginner to advanced. Every lesson is explained in video as well as on paper. Also, a lot cheaper than in-person lessons and you can choose what you want to learn more readily. Only drawback is the face to face interaction with a teacher.

Regarding going cold/hot, I think it happens to all of us. I often record something that to me sounds great at first. However, the second or third time I scratch my head wondering what the hell I was thinking. The reverse has happened also, like your situation. I think it's called the human factor, we are not robots. What you eat, how much sleep you get, what your love life is like all has an affect in our enjoyment value. Regarding golf, I've never been able to get better than a 9 hndcp. I've accepted that fact and I also accept the fact that golf and music are outlets to the everyday stresses of life. So, it's crazy to get upset over the things you like to do the most to relieve tension. I'm not sure what your situation with music is....professional or other, but if it's other, take a deep breath and smell the roses.

There may be a more scientific reason for what happened to you. Last night, was your guitar exposed to more humidity than normal?