Happy Memorial Day


A Top (and Heart) of Gold
Apr 27, 2012
Texxas, USA
Here in the USA this is Memorial Day weekend. This year, the holiday itself will be observed tomorrow (Mon. the 27th), but the entire weekend has become a time for get-togethers, cookouts, picnics, lake trips, whatever. Hopefully we keep in mind the real point of the holiday, which is to remember and honor every person who has ever served Our Country in all of the branches of the military.

To every person who ever served, to every person who gave their time, effort, and even their lives, I say Thank You. The sacrifices you and your family & loved ones made and continue to make are what heroism is all about to me. Please know that you're not forgotten, you're not taken for granted, and you are admired and appreciated. You are Heroes.

Happy Memorial Day.

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To the men and the women, to the wives and husbands, and to the children left behind. Thank you for your sacrifice.

This Memorial Day weekend is a special one for us. Our nephew Hunter graduated from the Naval Academy on Friday and became a brand new Marine. Here he is having his Second Lieutenant's rank pinned on by his brother Fox, a Captain in the US Army.


And here's my Grandfather (far right) on his destroyer, not sure if it's USS Laub during WWII or USS Hanson during Korea.

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I lost an uncle in vietnam. I was 5 years old when he lost his life. I remember him always playing with me. He was a good man his name was virgil bixby.
One of the big regrets in my life is about my dad. He was in The Navy in WWII, and had been wounded. (He drove the small transport boats that carried troops from the big ships to the beaches, landing areas, etc.) I don't know how many times over the years I tried to talk to him about that part of his life, but he never would tell me anything. As I got older I came to understand that those years were just too painful for him and he didn't want to get into them, so I finally stopped asking. He died in 1982.

I hope to see him again someday. Maybe then we can fill in some blanks for each other.
