Happy Birthday 2025 - a new song by Moondog Wily

Moondog Wily

In Tune Wit Da Moon!
Feb 12, 2021
Piccolomini Crater, Luna
Well as I was falling asleep last night, I thought to myself "Wow, Jan 1 is 2025's birthday, maybe I should write this year a birthday song"! So today, I did. Lyrics only at this point, but I thought it was a pretty cool concept!! Be sure to wish your baby new year, a happy birthday!!! I am sure the recognition will be returned with appreciation from it's Father Time ;~)) I will update this thread as it progresses.


Happy Birthday 2025 - Copyright January 01, 2025 - ANO Publishing, LLC - All Rights Reserved

<Verse 1>
You got 365
Body parts
52 teeth
And 12 full carts

I'm lookin' to love
Each and every one
Hope I'm still here
When your run is done

Your sister last year
She sure was mean
Making my mind
View the ugly scene

Of how life can
Throw the curve balls
That knocked me over
Saw logic fall

You are alive
Happy Birthday
Glad you have arrived

Looking to turn you
Into joys
Shapin' your days
Into my dreams toys

<Verse 2>
The ticks and tocks
Of your calendar clocks
Make me think about
How I might lock

Into my life
All of my desires
Looking for the fuel
That can light my fires

Maybe you will show me saddened days
Maybe you will give me brand new ways
To see this year with grace and smiles
As I trek through your minute miles

I will do my best to make the most
Thank you for being my time frame host
Together we can shine a brighter day
On a world spinning into decay

You are alive
Happy Birthday
Glad you have arrived

Looking to turn you
Into joys
Shapin' your days
Into my dreams toys

May all your days
Be bright as sun
May all your ways
Be filled with fun
May all your weeks
Be a little peak
At the beauty of what
Your time can reap

<Verse 3>
So let me have
A moments breath
I'll be right hear
Ready to catch

The treasures that time
Can toss to me
Livin' my destiny

Let me have
A full view of you
And I will show what
I can do

Let me navigate
Your seconds sea
With your wind at my back
A sailor I will be

You are alive
Happy Birthday
Glad you have arrived

Looking to turn you
Into joys
Shapin' your days
Into my dreams toys

Shapin' your days
Into my dreams toys
Listen to me playin'
Can you hear my noise
EDIT: Changed outro by adding a stanza. Added first cover art mockup.
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My birthday is in March. I wouldn't mind a little anthem
PM me some specs, favorite stuff (foods, sports, activities, music, whatever), un-favorite stuff, goals, anything you would like to be possibly referenced in your anthem and I will happy to pen something for you ;~)) I already know your profession and love of electronics ;~)) Your username would be fun to write something around!!! Matter of fact, just thinking about it in the moment, I am hearing "It's an emergency - Simon Says - Sirens Blaring - Flashing lights of red -- Emergency - where's my pups - need a new tone - For my 6 string slut" ;~))
PM me some specs, favorite stuff (foods, sports, activities, music, whatever), un-favorite stuff, goals, anything you would like to be possibly referenced in your anthem and I will happy to pen something for you ;~)) I already know your profession and love of electronics ;~)) Your username would be fun to write something around!!! Matter of fact, just thinking about it in the moment, I am hearing "It's an emergency - Simon Says - Sirens Blaring - Flashing lights of red -- Emergency - where's my pups - need a new tone - For my 6 string slut" ;~))
I was just pulling your leg, but man; that actually would be awesome. I'm just really trying to fall asleep before my little trip to Wales tomorrow morning, I will PM you as soon as I'm back. Thank you :)
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