Handle with care - d'oh

I dunno. I can sort of understand a relic on a Fender or Gibson, guitars that were actually around in the same form 50 years ago. But on a PRS that could not possibly appear to be more than 30 years old, and especially a 408 or DGT, guitars that were only released a few years ago, the whole thing just seems too farfetched.

My mind immediately screams "Poser!"

My son bought a '64 Melody Maker for some sessions while he was in NY, and the guitar has some serious wear. But it looks right because it is real.

Indeed. From what I've seen, if you play a DGT enough it'll relic pretty well on its own.
I swear my SC 245 is cursed. I've just scratched the low E tuner button with my iPad. And I can't believe my iPad came off better. Sigh.