Guitar Town

Wow!!! That is just stunning in every way. Was that EVH playing bass for EJ...? ;)
Ah, Jake Shimabukuro. I have always wanted to see the ukele wonder perform live. Excellent line-up, have a great time.
Ah, Jake Shimabukuro. I have always wanted to see the ukele wonder perform live. Excellent line-up, have a great time.

He used to play around town a lot when I lived in Hawaii. I last saw him playing on a bar stool in a food court. He's come a long way since then.

His rendition of As My Guitar Gently Weeps is pretty amazing - given the instrument.
]-[ @ n $ 0 |v| a T ! ©;92088 said:
He used to play around town a lot when I lived in Hawaii. I last saw him playing on a bar stool in a food court. He's come a long way since then.

His rendition of As My Guitar Gently Weeps is pretty amazing - given the instrument.

Very cool, and yeah, his version kills!

Enjoy the show.
Just got home from Guitar Town 2014. It was really good. The best by far, in my opinion was Joe Robinson. Jump to 26:10 and list to the whole song. It plays through 34:09. It's really amazing. He starts to really throw down around 30:45.

Then jump to 41:00 if you want to hear a great take on Lennon's Imagine.

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]-[ @ n $ 0 |v| a T ! ©;161287 said:
Just got home from Guitar Town 2014. It was really good. The best by far, in my opinion was Joe Robinson. Jump to 26:10 and list to the whole song. It plays through 34:09. It's really amazing. He starts to really throw down around 30:45.

Then jump to 41:00 if you want to hear a great take on Lennon's Imagine.

This guy shreds. Love acoustic stuff with a me hope! :top:
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]-[ @ n $ 0 |v| a T ! ©;161287 said:
Just got home from Guitar Town 2014. It was really good. The best by far, in my opinion was Joe Robinson. Jump to 26:10 and list to the whole song. It plays through 34:09. It's really amazing. He starts to really throw down around 30:45.

Then jump to 41:00 if you want to hear a great take on Lennon's Imagine.

THAT was enjoyable!!! Thank you for sharing!!!
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