To make sure I understand. Lindy Fralin makes P90 pickups that can be fit to a mini-humbucker slot? I have a Gibson 325 that is just a beautiful guitar. And I think it objectively is; I don't think it's owner blindness
. And it plays nice. It was one of my first nice guitars. But what makes it a 325, compared to a 335, is that it has mini-humbuckers compared to humbuckers. And it's a true hollowbody rather than a semi-hollowbody.
Because of the mini-humbuckers I have never been able to get the tone I want. As one would expect the tone is really bright. It's not wrong, a jazz guy might love it. It's just not what I want. I have tried a lot of different settings and amp sims and have come close. I've come close to selling it on several occasions, even to taking it to a local guitar store to sell on consignment. (After a week I missed it and went and took it back home! ) It's the only guitar in my stable I can say I honestly haven't bonded with.
Maybe this is my answer?