Getting The Amps Ready For...Surgery...??


Too Many Notes
Apr 26, 2012
Michigan on my trapped ulnar nerve happens later this month. No big deal of a surgery after my last one, but the arm will be in a cast for 10 days, and then....8 weeks before I can lift or move anything!

Are you kidding me?? 8 weeks? :eek:

Fortunately, after the cast is off, the doc says I'll be allowed to play once I'm able.

I figured I'd better get everything ready for whatever I need to do for the next few months! Of course, I'm in the middle of an ad project, and I hope to heck I'll be done with that before surgery, let alone whatever else comes in the door!

So I have moved stuff around like a lunatic. I don't have the new cab yet for the HXDA, and I may not be able to have that in place before surgery, so I've got it hooked up to a Mesa Cab Clone, but the other two amps are all set up in the middle of the room with plenty of space around them, both for the sonics and so I can get to the rear of the amps easily without having to lift or move them in case I need to work the rear controls, plug something in, change a tube, etc.

Meantime, my business partner and I have each knocked out 3 tracks in the past few days for demo purposes, so it's been pretty busy around here! Yet I have an unusual amount of energy for some reason...

Pre-Surgical nesting instinct?
Sounds like a natural response. Counter something that will be out of your control by taking cont oil of what you can. Good for your mental health. I'm confident that before long your physical health will have you right back in there. Good luck!
I suggest winding out the HXDA with some P90s, Leslie West style. That's always good for the soul. And I'm guessing that Mrs. Les would give you a pass on the noise ordinance, so take advantage while you can. :D
Sounds like a natural response. Counter something that will be out of your control by taking cont oil of what you can. Good for your mental health. I'm confident that before long your physical health will have you right back in there. Good luck!
Definitely a plus one on this! Additionally, seasons are changing. Temps are warming, last of the snow is melting, or gone. Birds are chirping. That extra energy is natural this time of year. I feel it too.
Sounds like a natural response. Counter something that will be out of your control by taking cont oil of what you can. Good for your mental health. I'm confident that before long your physical health will have you right back in there. Good luck!

Well said!

Here's to a speedy recovery!
Thanks, guys. so I moved a bunch of stuff, and while it looks the same as isn't. Actually, it's similar, but it's all ready for recording now. All I have to do is get through the next few weeks, and blammo!

Remember the stories about how Les Paul had himself "surgically repaired" after a horrendous car crash that really should have, by all rights, ended his career as a guitarist! And he went on to decades more as a performer, playing right up to the end........In his 90s.

Best of wishes!
Thanks, guys. so I moved a bunch of stuff, and while it looks the same as isn't. Actually, it's similar, but it's all ready for recording now. All I have to do is get through the next few weeks, and blammo!

Looking good, as usual. Hope you didn't torque a groin today! :confused: