Getting reacquainted with your gear


Where is that speedo pic
Nov 4, 2012
washington iowa
So I've been bandless for a little while now and finally got my guitar gear back downstairs.

I play through a 1994 5150 that I bought new in 94. For the last 10 years or so I've used a gmajor through effects loop and have gotten very good at making those effects do what I want and it' been a comfortable place for me.

Today I fired it up but didn't feel like setting all of it up so guitar, amp and cab only. I am shocked at how far away from the original tone of the amp I've strayed.
I don't know what has happened but my notes sustain a little better and the amp is meatier. I like it. It's a noisy amp by nature but I can run my gain lower this way so maybe not a problem.

Of course, this makes me want to play out! !! Kind of like a new amp day!!!
Similar experience for me last summer, I hadn’t gigged live for a number of years.

Everything got a road test, couldn’t believe the tubes sounded so good. My old single channnel radio gear still worked as well as it did in the mid ‘90s.

I realised that I wanted to try out some pedals with my new found tones thanks to some of the guys advice on here.

Sometimes quelling the GAS works for you and the gear you have can still do it for you!
This is always a good thing to do. Early each year I play everything again. Partly to see what needs string changes and what batteries are dead, but mostly to remind myself how good it can get.
I've always liked as few links in the chain as possible, yes back in my gigging days I used a fair amount of effects, but I always went the path of least resistance. Instead of going pedalboard with a platoon of stompboxes, I went: rack effects/preamp/pwr amp, done. Not as many connections and chances for cord failure, etc.

These days, because I mainly just record, I'm going direct unless I need a super real sounding jazz lead or something, then I'll mic an amp.
On the rare occasion that I perform, I'll use a rectoverb (*straight, no pedals*) or a Roland ss amp & Boss rv-5 & ds2. I can do Rock, R&B, Jazz with both but going pure amp the connection between you and the instrument is closer.

I need to play out more.:oops:
Like hooking up with old friends!
Yep! You got it brother!

And thanks to you and Les and some others on here, the sound that I’m getting from the amp is b!tch!n !

All the Ukes have their own personality and sound great!

I just hope the addition of some well chosen pedals doesn’t affect the lead channel too much, maybe just to augment what’s already happening.
Of course now I've done the HXDA deal a plum HXDA and matching prs 4x12 show up on ebay for a pretty good price. AND it's in Iowa.

That's the luck I have every single time.
Of course now I've done the HXDA deal a plum HXDA and matching prs 4x12 show up on ebay for a pretty good price. AND it's in Iowa.

That's the luck I have every single time.
