Fretboard Conditioner

Black Dog

Aug 9, 2023
I currently use Big Bends Fretboard Juice to condition my fret boards. It works very well. I been seeing great reviews on MusicNomad products. Does anyone use the MusicNomad F-One Fretboard Conditioner. If so, are you pleased with the product. Thanks.
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I use it. very sparingly. Feels better to use than good ol' lemon oil. Not sticky, cleans well, doesn dry out. A little goes a very long way.
Do not use on maple.
Fretboard conditioner can quickly turn to one of those passionate debates ;) Personally, as long as you're keeping up with cleaning/conditioning the board using common sense any product should be fine.

That said, I've tried many different products over the years, and most found in music stores are pretty much the same. I've had several trusted luthiers tell me Old English (lemon oil furniture polish) has been their go-to since the 70's.

It's a subject that also can take you down the rabbit hole; a journey I took during the Lock Down. Here's the product that makes most sense to me, and I've been quite happily using it ever since: Fret Doctor at Willcutt Guitars

Here's a condensed background on the product: Bore Oil for the Fife and Fret Doctor

Hope this helps~
I use the F-One and really like it
cleans and treats the fretboard nicely
goes on evenly and doesn't feel oily
wipes in and the excess wipes off

I tried the PRS Tung oil
I'll never use it again
it coats the fretboard nicely
but stinks so bad my room smelled for 4 days
and the headache lasted for 2
I been playing guitar since the 70's. I always used Dunlop fretboard 65 oil. Around ten years ago I switched to Big Bends fretboard juice. I think I'm going to try the MusicNomad F-One. If I don't like it I will put it in the box with the other failed products I purchased in the past. Thanks for the info.
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I am a fan of Dr. Duck Ax Wax! I am told it is what Martin Guitar company uses at the factory, but I do not have proof of that (and that is not why I am using it).

Whatever you choose, use VERY little and be sure to wipe off ALL excess, especially that which may have pooled close to the frets!!! And ONLY use when board feels or looks dry, NOT just because you haven't done it in a while!