Forum Truss Rod Cover (and you thought I forgot about it, didn't you?)

Put me down for 2. How (or when) do I order?

I'll close this thread soon and get a final count. At that point we'll go into production and when they are ready, those who signed up will need to call the part department to claim their ordered amount.
I'm in for 3, is anybody keeping up with the math here?

Carry the one, divide by eleventeen, we're up to 'a lot'.
I'm in for 3, is anybody keeping up with the math here?

Carry the one, divide by eleventeen, we're up to 'a lot'.

I counted twice and got 134 both times. I didn't include the "if" posts...I believe there were 2 or perhaps 3 of those for 1 each.
Did anyone account for the Forum Guitar in their requests? Please add 1 for that if not.

I'll close this thread soon and get a final count. At that point we'll go into production and when they are ready, those who signed up will need to call the part department to claim their ordered amount.

I haven't been home to check how many I would use, but I'll say two for now and if the thread isn't closed by the time I get home I may put in another request.
Wow...this is totally awesome!

I'll take two, please! (that's 2 if folks are skimming the thread looking for digits)
Put me down for 1, Shawn. If it looks ok on my SE, I'll use it, if not, I'll throw it in my parts drawer and save it for my 1st "real" PRS.