Forum guitar

Well guys at least you all were blessed with trying it out. Despite repeated attempts nada, no go, not a shot for me. I had plans for a pictorial on Bourbon St. at all the blues and jazz joints. Oh well, What does that say about me I guess. Would have loved to sign it also. I hope it turns up. I would suggest we get a PRS Artist to sign it and promote it as a charity raffle item at PRS's John Hopkins thing they do each year. Then, lets start a new one!
I sent it to Gush. Then to Vaughn’s buddy in Madison. It went from there to Andy, I think. Then it went to Exp 2018, where Brian had it at his booth. I think Jamie took it from there.

Yeah, I was one of the last to have it, maybe I can retrace and see who I sent it to, and we can go from there.
I didn't have it very long. I took it to a gig and jammed it a little.

If I remember correctly I think I put 100 bucks cash in the case to help with shipping or mods or whatever.

Gosh,that's been 4 or 5 or 6 years ago.

The band I've been recording for put out a YouTube lyric video of one of the songs I played on and somehow they got ahold of the pic I posted of me holding it before a show.

I had forgotten about it until I saw that photo.