For Those Who Write Original Music...

Music is my religion! I have known this since I was a young child, and I feel the same today!! I started playing clarinet when I was six. After a month or so, my teacher took me aside and asked if I would be interested in staying after school 3 days a week for an hour or so to learn some other instruments. I reluctantly agreed (reluctant because I wanted to be with my friends playing outside)! Over the next two years (before she left the school), she taught me to play piano, harp, auto-harp and xylophone. In regular music class of course, we were all learning to play the famous recorder (clarinet light)! It was an incredible gift that she gave to me and I am forever grateful for her commitment to advancing my recognized passion for music.

I never chose a career in music because even as a child, I could see there was something "wrong" with that industry. Hearing on the news about the payola scams, the fight that Zappa had with Warner Bros over artist writes and compensation, the great unrecognized artists, the purity of what I wanted from music and what I might create cemented the idea in my head that choosing it for a career would end in misery for me.

Over the next many decades, I have written over 1,500 songs (and wrote one of my top 5 EVER was written in June '22 to be released later this year). When I say "wrote a song", I am not claiming that I have completed a musical score and produced it, what I am saying is lyrically I wrote these (I have done only a few instrumentals and never "wrote" them out). 95% of them (other 5%, can't quite recall how they worked, but they had melodies in my head when written), I can sing (horribly), so the music for them is in my head. I have only completed about 100 of those songs into finalized musical pieces and have released about 50 of those independently.

I existed for decades with guitars in the closet, never taking the time to really learn them. I continued to write down the songs that come into my head (which is a daily occurrence even now, wrote one yesterday, wrote one today) and these days, have the technology to capture those melodies and phrasings that come along with that stream of consciousness, so the days of not remembering the melodies are pretty much gone. This laziness and avoidance of my musical skill is nothing but my own fault, but when I released my first song on Oct 31, 2014, my soul had a huge sigh of relief and I felt more at peace in my existence. Since then, I released two albums and about 25 singles under 4 different artist names/genres. First album (released Jan 28, 2015) was sent to about 400 independent and college radio stations across the country. Of the stations that report back on plays (which are very few), 6 of the 13 songs on that album got airplay on 15 different radio stations in 10 states! I could not have been happier to see that I was not crazy in thinking this music was pretty good.

Then came 2021 and my first PRS (WL HBII)! Largely as a result of that purchase, I played approximately 1500 hours last year (more than the rest of my guitar hours in my life) and am now, in my opinion, ready to start performing my music as well as the music of others. In all the time I was releasing music over the last 8 years, it was always "learn the part, record it, release it, move on to next big hit"! Could not play a single one of my songs live. After getting that PRS and two more, I shook my head and said "time to perform", so that is what I have been working on for the past 18 months or so. Last year, for the first time, I took the stage a few times in my tiny community for short stints (3-4 songs) and was offered a gig! I was not "ready" in my head and told him I would get back to him. That was October of 2021. Last year I was also invited to play live on a local radio station and did so twice (although the engineer slaughtered the mix both times I was on)! Then 2022 happened and my world has been turned upside down with medical BS (not looking for a pity party, just part of the story)! I am doing better, but still have quite a bit of work ahead and I am going for it! Music is about the only thing going right in my life at the moment!

The most important part for me in the music I create is me staying true to what I want to do, and so far I am on track! If you have made it this far, thanks for reading my blather! Here are a few links (my favorites) to works released throughout the past 8 years, all feedback (good, bad, ugly) appreciated ;~))

Da' Mutta' Funka's
Funk Monster
Luna Funk
Who Got Funk
Corner Of Funk & Boogie

King Kawhileiwhilei

Moondog Wily
Giddy Up With A Whiskey Cup
Cold Day In Summer
Howlin' At The Moon
Yesterdays & Tomorrows

My fourth artist will not be listed here due to the political nature of it's content and the rules of this forum which I agree with and try to be fully compliant with ;~()

To sum it up, I am in this for me and fulfilling my goals to create what floats into my head! If others like it, that is great!! If not, not a problem, I will continue to create!!! I have also been having a BLAST over the past 18 months, learning others songs and giving them my own twist, sooooo much fun!!!! My "Spill The Wine" is a really neato version IMO ;~))

Thanks for starting this thread Les! I have been encouraging forum members to post their music in the Studio & Stage section since I joined in Feb '21, and hopefully this thread you have created will spur us being able to hear more of what the members are creating with PRSi (and other) instruments!
Music is my religion! I have known this since I was a young child, and I feel the same today!! I started playing clarinet when I was six. After a month or so, my teacher took me aside and asked if I would be interested in staying after school 3 days a week for an hour or so to learn some other instruments. I reluctantly agreed (reluctant because I wanted to be with my friends playing outside)! Over the next two years (before she left the school), she taught me to play piano, harp, auto-harp and xylophone. In regular music class of course, we were all learning to play the famous recorder (clarinet light)! It was an incredible gift that she gave to me and I am forever grateful for her commitment to advancing my recognized passion for music.

I never chose a career in music because even as a child, I could see there was something "wrong" with that industry. Hearing on the news about the payola scams, the fight that Zappa had with Warner Bros over artist writes and compensation, the great unrecognized artists, the purity of what I wanted from music and what I might create cemented the idea in my head that choosing it for a career would end in misery for me.

Over the next many decades, I have written over 1,500 songs (and wrote one of my top 5 EVER was written in June '22 to be released later this year). When I say "wrote a song", I am not claiming that I have completed a musical score and produced it, what I am saying is lyrically I wrote these (I have done only a few instrumentals and never "wrote" them out). 95% of them (other 5%, can't quite recall how they worked, but they had melodies in my head when written), I can sing (horribly), so the music for them is in my head. I have only completed about 100 of those songs into finalized musical pieces and have released about 50 of those independently.

I existed for decades with guitars in the closet, never taking the time to really learn them. I continued to write down the songs that come into my head (which is a daily occurrence even now, wrote one yesterday, wrote one today) and these days, have the technology to capture those melodies and phrasings that come along with that stream of consciousness, so the days of not remembering the melodies are pretty much gone. This laziness and avoidance of my musical skill is nothing but my own fault, but when I released my first song on Oct 31, 2014, my soul had a huge sigh of relief and I felt more at peace in my existence. Since then, I released two albums and about 25 singles under 4 different artist names/genres. First album (released Jan 28, 2015) was sent to about 400 independent and college radio stations across the country. Of the stations that report back on plays (which are very few), 6 of the 13 songs on that album got airplay on 15 different radio stations in 10 states! I could not have been happier to see that I was not crazy in thinking this music was pretty good.

Then came 2021 and my first PRS (WL HBII)! Largely as a result of that purchase, I played approximately 1500 hours last year (more than the rest of my guitar hours in my life) and am now, in my opinion, ready to start performing my music as well as the music of others. In all the time I was releasing music over the last 8 years, it was always "learn the part, record it, release it, move on to next big hit"! Could not play a single one of my songs live. After getting that PRS and two more, I shook my head and said "time to perform", so that is what I have been working on for the past 18 months or so. Last year, for the first time, I took the stage a few times in my tiny community for short stints (3-4 songs) and was offered a gig! I was not "ready" in my head and told him I would get back to him. That was October of 2021. Last year I was also invited to play live on a local radio station and did so twice (although the engineer slaughtered the mix both times I was on)! Then 2022 happened and my world has been turned upside down with medical BS (not looking for a pity party, just part of the story)! I am doing better, but still have quite a bit of work ahead and I am going for it! Music is about the only thing going right in my life at the moment!

The most important part for me in the music I create is me staying true to what I want to do, and so far I am on track! If you have made it this far, thanks for reading my blather! Here are a few links (my favorites) to works released throughout the past 8 years, all feedback (good, bad, ugly) appreciated ;~))

Da' Mutta' Funka's
Funk Monster
Luna Funk
Who Got Funk
Corner Of Funk & Boogie

King Kawhileiwhilei

Moondog Wily
Giddy Up With A Whiskey Cup
Cold Day In Summer
Howlin' At The Moon
Yesterdays & Tomorrows

My fourth artist will not be listed here due to the political nature of it's content and the rules of this forum which I agree with and try to be fully compliant with ;~()

To sum it up, I am in this for me and fulfilling my goals to create what floats into my head! If others like it, that is great!! If not, not a problem, I will continue to create!!! I have also been having a BLAST over the past 18 months, learning others songs and giving them my own twist, sooooo much fun!!!! My "Spill The Wine" is a really neato version IMO ;~))

Thanks for starting this thread Les! I have been encouraging forum members to post their music in the Studio & Stage section since I joined in Feb '21, and hopefully this thread you have created will spur us being able to hear more of what the members are creating with PRSi (and other) instruments!
Wow!! You've written that many songs?! seriously lagging...I think I've written 15-20 in fifteen years. I'm ashamed.

Thinking about it....i guess part of it too was after my Granny passed away in 2011, I just kinda spun wheels creatively for near ten years. There were many times I didn't want to play anything. Not to get all sentimental, but she was like a second mom to me, so it hurt bad.

I can't wait until I have my current stuff more completed so i can post it here. :)
Wow!! You've written that many songs?! seriously lagging...I think I've written 15-20 in fifteen years. I'm ashamed.

Thinking about it....i guess part of it too was after my Granny passed away in 2011, I just kinda spun wheels creatively for near ten years. There were many times I didn't want to play anything. Not to get all sentimental, but she was like a second mom to me, so it hurt bad.

I can't wait until I have my current stuff more completed so i can post it here. :)
Your not lagging, you are doing what you want to do! I see my songwriting saturation to be a blessing and a curse!! I am constantly getting songs pushed into my head from things as simple as a road sign or a word/phrase I have heard my whole life, but suddenly it clicks and turns into a song!!! Happens to me all the time and sometimes I just wish it would stop, but I am grateful to have it most of the time ;~)) The other part is the wordsmithing of a song. I am very lucky to be agile with words including how to fit them into phrases that might seem like they would not work in a million years! It is a fun puzzle for me at times to try to make something work.

One thing I HATE doing is forcing a write! I want to be inspired before I write a song and have it flow. I can and have done forced writes (and I blame Sting for saying in an interview many years ago that songwriting is like a muscle and you have to work it daily to make it stronger), but I gave up on it a long time ago because I have plenty to work with without having to force myself to write. I did do a "forced write" for my goddaughter's wedding last year (called "I Do", how clever, eh?), and I have offered to a local candy store operator, a composition if he would like me to write a jingle for him (because he is such a nice/cool guy), but I like my creative flow to be natural and inspired rather than forced.

Looking forward to your latest works! I am behind on the Studio & Stage review stuff at the moment as I was on the road for the past 3 weeks, but I try to listen to and comment on all that members post here at the forum!
I also recognize my participation in derailing this thread with my (ever so enjoyable for me) trolling of the “things were better before” crowd, and maybe it’s a natural trajectory for some of y’all to go there but..

Les’ intent is f this thread was to make people feel empowered and secure enough to share their creativity, not to knock anyone down.

Songwriting is hard. Being vulnerable enough to share your songs is sometimes even harder.

Unless you write songs, have posted links (now or in the past), or have ever made a real honest effort to put yourself and your art out there… WTF do you know?
Sorry for my part in the partial derail as well. Posts edited. Unpublished copycat wannabe internet expert out! :p
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Post edited. Forgot "wannabe" but I think at this point you all know that part.
I’m not calling you names or asking you to delete or change posts. I’m also not tryin to fight with you or make you feel attacked, I just think you’re wrong about some things.

It’s totally fine to like what you like, I really do like Doja Cat more than The Beatles. It’s just some stuff isn’t made for you.

A lot of music isn’t any more made for me than tampons are. Sure, I could put both in my body holes, but they probably weren’t designed with me in mind. I’m not gonna call ‘em trash.
(Edit) You know Les, I used to be cute for a redhead with freckles, but I just don't have "the look" anymore, that they are looking for to make into a star. My looks, what little I had to work with, are long gone. Thanks for reminding me! :mad::mad:

You're still a star to me.

I also recognize my participation in derailing this thread with my (ever so enjoyable for me) trolling of the “things were better before” crowd, and maybe it’s a natural trajectory for some of y’all to go there but..

Les’ intent is f this thread was to make people feel empowered and secure enough to share their creativity, not to knock anyone down.

Songwriting is hard. Being vulnerable enough to share your songs is sometimes even harder.

Unless you write songs, have posted links (now or in the past), or have ever made a real honest effort to put yourself and your art out there… WTF do you know?
Yes, exactly! I want people to feel empowered and secure!

At first. I didn't feel I was worthy, and certainly didn't have confidence in my work. It wasn't until by utter surprise a friend who worked at an ad agency said, "We're gonna put this on the air," that I felt I could even sit in the same room with real musicians.

If you compose, I'm gonna be supportive. I don't care what style the work is in. I get how hard it is.
Ever have this happen?

You're sitting with musician friends who have their act together, and someone who could play his rear end off would criticize another player by saying:

"That dude? He sucks. He can't even play Happy Birthday."

And I'd be utterly panicked, not saying a word, thinking:

"Holy sh!t, what if someone asks me to play Happy Birthday??" :eek:
Ever have this happen?

You're sitting with musician friends who have their act together, and someone who could play his rear end off would criticize another player by saying:

"That dude? He sucks. He can't even play Happy Birthday."

And I'd be utterly panicked, not saying a word, thinking:

"Holy sh!t, what if someone asks me to play Happy Birthday??" :eek:
Lol! I can’t either!

But if it ever comes up, I’ll cover by asking if they’re with BMI or ASCAP.
Lol! I can’t either!

But if it ever comes up, I’ll cover by asking if they’re with BMI or ASCAP.
Seriously, the reason I ordered my PS acoustic with the plainest decor they offered at the time was that I didn't want to be THAT GUY who shows up for a session with an expensive guitar that I quite obviously do not 'deserve' to own. So I wanted a little stealth.

Even when I'm picking up the tab for the session, and everyone else is really happy just to have the gig!

Eventually I got over that, but honest, it was a thing for me to worry about that stuff.
I’m not calling you names or asking you to delete or change posts. I’m also not tryin to fight with you or make you feel attacked, I just think you’re wrong about some things.

It’s totally fine to like what you like, I really do like Doja Cat more than The Beatles. It’s just some stuff isn’t made for you.

A lot of music isn’t any more made for me than tampons are. Sure, I could put both in my body holes, but they probably weren’t designed with me in mind. I’m not gonna call ‘em trash.
No, I get it. Look, one thing I'll NEVER EVER do is talk down to someone here or anywhere, who maybe isn't a great player or singer. NEVER ever do anything but encourage a beginner or anything like that. And I feel bad if anything I say came off that way. I'd much rather listen to an average singer who loves it and sings their heart out, than someone who is a big star, with less talent but was "made" a star. I was just discussing the people who make millions because the music industry made them into a "star." I'd much rather see Les' son or my daughter make "good" money with real talent. That's kind of what I was intending to get across. I don't believe in making fun of any singer or musician, no matter what the skill level. Ever. I can't say that enough because it bothers me if I came off different than that. But I have no use for music made with no musicians, and no good singers.

And yes, I get that all music isn't for you or me or anyone. And you could be my best friend and we may not like any of the same music. (Hey, look at my wife! She's an "old country" girl. And I MARRIED HER!) But if Paco is in a country band singing and playing guitar and has a real backing band, I'll spend whatever it costs to buy a ticket to see him. I'll even take a chance on a broken hip by getting in his mosh pit!
No, I get it. Look, one thing I'll NEVER EVER do is talk down to someone here or anywhere, who maybe isn't a great player or singer. NEVER ever do anything but encourage a beginner or anything like that. And I feel bad if anything I say came off that way. I'd much rather listen to an average singer who loves it and sings their heart out, than someone who is a big star, with less talent but was "made" a star. I was just discussing the people who make millions because the music industry made them into a "star." I'd much rather see Les' son or my daughter make "good" money with real talent. That's kind of what I was intending to get across. I don't believe in making fun of any singer or musician, no matter what the skill level. Ever. I can't say that enough because it bothers me if I came off different than that. But I have no use for music made with no musicians, and no good singers.

And yes, I get that all music isn't for you or me or anyone. And you could be my best friend and we may not like any of the same music. (Hey, look at my wife! She's an "old country" girl. And I MARRIED HER!) But if Paco is in a country band singing and playing guitar and has a real backing band, I'll spend whatever it costs to buy a ticket to see him. I'll even take a chance on a broken hip by getting in his mosh pit!
We’re all good, I know you’re not a bad guy or anything.

The only thing I’d say about the people who are “made” stars is: they still have to do the work to be a star.
Ever have this happen?

You're sitting with musician friends who have their act together, and someone who could play his rear end off would criticize another player by saying:

"That dude? He sucks. He can't even play Happy Birthday."

And I'd be utterly panicked, not saying a word, thinking:

"Holy sh!t, what if someone asks me to play Happy Birthday??" :eek:
I feel like an idiot now. I NEVER slag on musicians or singers FOR THEIR ABILITY. EVER. I ain't nothin special, and even if I was the second coming of Eddie Van Hendrix, I don't put down other musicians. There is a line between someone who just plays or sings music, even for fun, and "made up stars" that I hope I was not unclear on. I was only expressing my disapproval of "corporate made stars." I am not putting down lesser skilled musicians and singers, I'm showing disapproval for multi-millionaire "Stars" who aren't talented. But that's wrong too and I got a little too comfortable as if talking about it in a circle of friends, not the internet where it's out there for the whole world to read. I am really bothered and hope I haven't come off wrong here. I'm embarrassed if I came across as musician slagging in any way. I should just shut up and go away for a while now. :(
Guys, I'm really sorry. I know how some of the things I said can sound, if you don't know my heart. Got too comfortable as if sitting around talking to my buddies. I was wrong and I apologize.
No, I get it. Look, one thing I'll NEVER EVER do is talk down to someone here or anywhere, who maybe isn't a great player or singer. NEVER ever do anything but encourage a beginner or anything like that. And I feel bad if anything I say came off that way. I'd much rather listen to an average singer who loves it and sings their heart out, than someone who is a big star, with less talent but was "made" a star. I was just discussing the people who make millions because the music industry made them into a "star." I'd much rather see Les' son or my daughter make "good" money with real talent. That's kind of what I was intending to get across. I don't believe in making fun of any singer or musician, no matter what the skill level. Ever. I can't say that enough because it bothers me if I came off different than that. But I have no use for music made with no musicians, and no good singers.

And yes, I get that all music isn't for you or me or anyone. And you could be my best friend and we may not like any of the same music. (Hey, look at my wife! She's an "old country" girl. And I MARRIED HER!) But if Paco is in a country band singing and playing guitar and has a real backing band, I'll spend whatever it costs to buy a ticket to see him. I'll even take a chance on a broken hip by getting in his mosh pit!
This is not me disagreeing with you, Just an observation based on personal experience.

We tend to forget sometimes that music isn't a contest. It's not about being 'better'. It's something we're all on the same team to do, or at least in my opinion, should be.

'Music' and "Business' are two terms that, logically speaking, don't have much to do with one another. They're words that get thrown together for reasons that have little in common. Sure, it's great to make a living, and grab that cash with both hands and make a stash, etc....but what does that do for creativity and being unique as a musician? To me, not much.

And I say this as someone who's done decently enough in the music 'business'. In fact, I'm undeserving as hell, and have been very lucky. Everyone who's heard my work knows that they can do every bit as well, if not better.

I'll say this for the 'made' stars: There are reasons they're successful, and those reasons are usually related to talent and ability. I know, because I've seen it with my own eyes. I've worked with some very talented people that labels wanted to 'make' who in fact didn't catch on with the public. I've worked with people who did.

Are they hacks? Well...depends on the person, the goal, the skills and a million other factors.

But to a degree, most successful musical acts are to one degree or another, 'made'. It's often a matter of random chance.

While it's possible that other people might be more creative, or more original, or whatever, let's not take away from the very hard work that people put in who DO to get where they do in life. To be made? Guess what. You have to not only have the opportunity, you have to be able to seize it when it arises. And talent is involved, like it or not. But so is bravery, persistence, confidence, and lots of other stuff.

For the most part, bands want to succeed financially, and 'make it'. Some get to do that based upon fan appeal. Some get a big push from their label or industry. You'd be VERY surprised at big name bands who got a TON of money allocated for promotion to get the attention of fans, who are now big names. I know this because (a) I'm in the biz, and (b) I still do a little entertainment law.

Are they 'made'? I dunno. I'll let you define it, but everyone is 'made'. Everyone.
Guys, I'm really sorry. I know how some of the things I said can sound, if you don't know my heart. Got too comfortable as if sitting around talking to my buddies. I was wrong and I apologize.
Never go away. Speaking only for myself, I think you're a great guy.

I also think you're a terrific player. There's that, too.

If we disagree, we disagree as friends, always.
Ok Les, one more word and THEN I'll shut up. Promise!

Justin Bieber! Just sayin'

Ok, that was two words. Well, four.

And was just joking... because Bieber is always funny.
Hey, I'd certainly want him to be the singer in my band!

Most of us can't do what he can do. Most of our friends can't, either.

Regardless, you will always be considered a talented friend. That's a fact.
Also, I've listened to Sergio's stuff and thought, why isn't this guy a zillionaire and famous?

Because 'music' and 'business' are not even remotely related things.

I think we, the public, need to let go of the term, 'music business'. That's just me speaking in my semi-artistic capacity.

Anyway, that's the point of the thread.

I would also like to say this:

Who the f#cking f#ck says you need to be 18 years old to make good music? I mean, really. If you're over 40, you are NOT past it, in terms of music making. Pablo Casals played into his 90s. Who says we can't? Because he was classical? No freaking way, and I say this as someone whose musical preference IS classical.

Granted, you might not be able to get a record deal... ;)
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