I have told this story before but I will try and make it short…
When I was in my late teens my cousins played drums for what was at the time “Vanilla Fudge” but without any of the original guys (I actually knew Vince but that’s a different story). He calls me up and invites me to go on tour with them and I drove once a week from Westchester County NY to somewhere in Connecticut to the AMF building for rehearsals. I had a little 4-door Toyota Corolla and I jammed a full Marshall stack, my guitar, pedals and gear, etc in that little car and drove for an hour or so to the place. This went on for a couple of months and things were going well and I was getting excited to be touring with a real pro band. One day I get a call from my cuz and he says “you are not gonna believe this…”… it turns out the main guy who played guitar and sang, I forget his name, didn’t want to play with me because he said I was “too good” and he didn’t want to look bad. I was shocked and disappointed and I wanted to kick the guys ass but I didn’t. Talk about flake-o-rama. It’s probably better that it didn’t happen and I got other opportunities and had a great run. I have many more stories as most of us who have been at this for a while do. Oh here’s another one, I got snowed in with the band at West Point one night doing a graduation party for some cadets. They treated us well…the flaky part of that story is…snowflakes…. Haha.