First batch of 57/08 pups


New Member
Apr 29, 2012
Bucks County, PA
I have a PRS SC245 57/08 you can see in my avatar picture here. As you guys know the pups were engraved "57/08" on them. I sweat on my guitars often and don't wipe them down after jamming. The guitar was at my friends house basically untouched for all most 10 years. I just got it back and decided to clean the dirty corroded pups. They were engraved; however, I do not see 57/08 on them any longer. I didn't clean them totally but good enough to where I would see the numbers (I believe). I actually lifted one out to make sure they had the correct sticker on the back to make sure someone did not swap them while it was at my friends. I don't get it.

Were they actually engraved or was it written to look engraved? I am very disappointed to say the least. Could the liquid (human sweat) erode the engraving after all of this time?

Were these pups originally anodized aluminum or nickel? I believe the former.
These are unetched 57/08 neck and 59/09 bridge



Full unetched 57/08 set



The early 5708s that the PTC installed in my 2008 Korina McCarty as a part of the pickup swap promo they were running in January iof 2009 are unengraved with brushed covers. I seem to recall that the engraved “5708” came a little later. They are very nice pickups, actually thought about putting them in my 2005 MEI