Suppalak Klabdee
PRSi in Black Gold with binding for life
Finally after almost a month since I got this beauty, I have found sometime to do the proper shooting! The main reason why I have to wait this long because whenever I found some free time, I ended up picking them and started playing! These are irresistible!
It is a 2013 PRS 408MT Black gold burst 10top flame, trem, with Brazilian rosewood neck and fretboard, hybrid hardware. I think in the near future, the Ebony tuning buttons and a gold trem arm will bring this one to a complete look.
Enough said, let's take a look at this beauty!
It is a 2013 PRS 408MT Black gold burst 10top flame, trem, with Brazilian rosewood neck and fretboard, hybrid hardware. I think in the near future, the Ebony tuning buttons and a gold trem arm will bring this one to a complete look.
Enough said, let's take a look at this beauty!