Favorite Speakers/Cabs with PRS Amps


Master Of The Universe (Emeritus)
Apr 26, 2012
I'm interested in the whole speaker/cab thing with the CAD and other PRS amps. PRS cabs seem to be V-30 and 10" Celestion oriented. I'd love to hear about other speakers that might also work! Example, I'm a fan of the Mesa Black Shadow 90s, etc. And I love Celestion Blues.
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I like it stereo one 2x12 (birch cab) v30 with MDT (borrowing a friends) and the other 2x12 (birch cab) one celestion blue and one celestion gold 25th anniversary Rev B. If I am playing only one right now 2x12 I have stayed is with the v30. The more I break in the blue and gold 12's the more I like it.
I like it stereo one 2x12 (birch cab) v30 with MDT (borrowing a friends) and the other 2x12 (birch cab) one celestion blue and one celestion gold 25th anniversary Rev B. If I am playing only one right now 2x12 I have stayed is with the v30. The more I break in the blue and gold 12's the more I like it.

Interesting! I'm currently using a 2 x 12 Mesa Recto cab with the v30s, and it sounds excellent with the HXDA.

But one never has enough choices! I like the idea of the blue and gold Celestion combination.

I also might see if I can scarf up a cab with a Black Shadow 90; it seems kind of a natural to try. But also seems like Greenbacks, JBLs, old Cerwin-Vegas of the kind DA himself used, would be fun to check out (not that I want to chase that tone, but might be interesting if I could find an old 412 to open up the back of and mess around with, provided I could actually find Cerwin-Vegas for less than $400 apiece!).
I am using the "H" head with Oranges 4x12" and sounds big. Lots of bass and definition too. I also tried it out with Mesa's Rectifier 4x12" and PRS 2x12" closed back, and the amp sounds very consistent on all those configurations. I wish I could A/B the speakers, witch I never did.
Interesting! I'm currently using a 2 x 12 Mesa Recto cab with the v30s, and it sounds excellent with the HXDA.

I also might see if I can scarf up a cab with a Black Shadow 90; it seems kind of a natural to try.

The main reason why I put off my pursuit of an MDT/25th Anniversary/HXDA was probably due to the cab/speakers used in the demos. Played thru a PRS birch 2x12 w/ V30s, I couldn't dial out that modern, almost Boogie-style vibe. I already have that! But they didn't have anything else to play thru that day.

Is your Recto cab a horiz or vert? I use 2 old Boogie 2x12 vert (fully closed) cabs and have gone from the C90 top/EV12L bottom to twin C90s to WGS for my classic rig. For modern stuff, I stick with the C90s. My go-to cab is the WGS loaded one for all gigs and is the one I want to demo the MDT thru.

Oh, and I have 2 spare Mesa C90s laying around...;)
Is your Recto cab a horiz or vert? I use 2 old Boogie 2x12 vert (fully closed) cabs and have gone from the C90 top/EV12L bottom to twin C90s to WGS for my classic rig. For modern stuff, I stick with the C90s. My go-to cab is the WGS loaded one for all gigs and is the one I want to demo the MDT thru.

Oh, and I have 2 spare Mesa C90s laying around...;)

The Mesa I've been using so far is a horizontal closed back, birch, of recent vintage. It records well, and sounds good with the amp. I've dialed the amp in so that it sounds vintage enough, but an alternative might be good, too.

I had 2 Mesa Widebody 1 x 12s for a long time with the C-90s that I used with Mesa and Two-Rock amps; they're great cabs, but no longer made. My son has one of them in his studio, but I no longer have the other. I really do like the C-90 tone. Don't have a spare cab to put yours in yet, though!