Favorite Music Moments in Movies

A few favorites:
Vangelis' tracks for Blade Runner

Possibly my favorite movie of all time....and the accompanying sound track was EXCELLENT.

Very comparable (but better than) "Tangerine Dream's" background music to the James Caan movie "Thief".
Possibly my favorite movie of all time....and the accompanying sound track was EXCELLENT.

Very comparable (but better than) "Tangerine Dream's" background music to the James Caan movie "Thief".

The amazing thing is how Vangelis composed his electronic scores -- although he used multiple synths, it was not track by track. He would be surrounded by synths, and play everything live, one hand here, the other on a different one. Then build up the score cue by cue. Overdubs came later. No one else worked that way. Even Wendy Carlos built multitrack layers at the time, line by line using monosynths.

Speaking of good movie music, how about A Clockwork Orange?
And, continuing the Kubrick theme...."2001" wasn't too shabby...."Also Sprach Zarathustra", "Blue Danube"....the rest of the soundtrack.