I like Doc so don't misconstrude this but I am throwing it out there that on the same token, I don't understand why people would post a thread on messageboards hoping for a slew of unofficial answers when they can contact PRS or their dealer directly and get a precise answer in a more timely fashion - especially when he apparently has a PS in the oven right now hahah
Same thing goes for the PTC impact repair thread a few days ago - get your answers and THEN post a thread.
First of all, to be clear...that wasn't me in the "impact thread"...I may have commented..but I didn't initiate anything. As a matter of fact, that was the thread that motivated me to post this one.
As far as the post I am quoting...First...."Thanks Mike" for the initial complement...and let me try to explain my "ulterior" motivations. As Tim has said above...the reason for the forum post (which I had misgivings about shortly after, but which I could not delete since I am unable to delete an OP as I have conveyed to the moderators previously) was to try to bring this issue up and see if any others had my concerns or had a similar experience. I quickly "re-thought" my approach, and in retrospect, the pros of adding to forum knowledge was outweighed by the cons of washing dirty laundry in public.
However, in the final analysis....I felt "OK" with the public disclosure since I felt it was important to the forum especially based on the prior controversy surrounding the wood used and advertised in some of the builds.
Overall, (and if you have followed my posts, you know this about me) even if it turned out that the "ears" were made of some crappy substitute...I am certain that we would have been able to work out a mutually acceptable resolution between PRS the company, and myself.
In the final analysis, the positive resolution is another way of demonstrating that PRS is on top of these type of issues and is intereted in ensuring customer satisfaction. After all...I would NOT have ordered another PS if I wasn't comfortable with the whole process after all is said and done.
I am not an intentional gadfly. I try to be as objective as possible, but I will NOT be a corporate apologist...when I see something wrong...I will disclose it...and I am sure that many people find my comments and views to be totally obnoxious. But, that is why the forum allows you to "ignore" those people that you don't want to interact with. I am hopefull that this thread not only provided some decent information to the "rank and file" but I also tried to interject some of my lame attempts at humor to take some of the "seriousness" out of the whole thread.
If I offended anyone, I apologize. For that matter, if anyone learned anything of significance, that makes the whole thing worthwhile.