Fading Pernambuco??? Same wood, or different?

Brent...re #4339.....you're following up on the balsa wood for the "ears" and the "Floater Mahogany" for the body right? and don't forget the "Heel from Hell" and the "Unobtainium nut". The "untunomatic bridge" and the "sour switch" better be as spec'ed out as well!

I want to make sure this build is perfect in advance, with no problems once it is delivered! You know that this Private Stock is going to be used to advertise the new "notPRS" line for a well known Las Vegas Guitar store that exists only on-line and whose now deceased owner was of extreme Irish Ancestry!

Except that you obviously got PB for the neck. So that isn't an issue. You're worried about the little wing ends. Not the neck.

Do you buy things just to obsess over the minutiae of conspiracy theories or what?

Les, we all get that you don't care about this sort of thing. Congratulations. I'll buy you a cookie. You can not care all you want but perhaps you can understand that someone who dropped the kind of coin it takes to buy a PS with a pernambuco neck might be concerned that the whole neck is not pernambuco given the recent debacle and the visual discrepancy.

I'd have refrained from commenting, honestly, but you ASKED for comments.

When he asked for comments it was VERY OBVIOUS that he was asking about the woods. What he wasn't asking for is your opinion on whether this should matter to him or not.
Les, we all get that you don't care about this sort of thing. Congratulations. I'll buy you a cookie. You can not care all you want but perhaps you can understand that someone who dropped the kind of coin it takes to buy a PS with a pernambuco neck might be concerned that the whole neck is not pernambuco given the recent debacle and the visual discrepancy.

When he asked for comments it was VERY OBVIOUS that he was asking about the woods. What he wasn't asking for is your opinion on whether this should matter to him or not.

I like Doc so don't misconstrude this but I am throwing it out there that on the same token, I don't understand why people would post a thread on messageboards hoping for a slew of unofficial answers when they can contact PRS or their dealer directly and get a precise answer in a more timely fashion - especially when he apparently has a PS in the oven right now hahah

Same thing goes for the PTC impact repair thread a few days ago - get your answers and THEN post a thread.
Les, we all get that you don't care about this sort of thing. Congratulations. I'll buy you a cookie. You can not care all you want but perhaps you can understand that someone who dropped the kind of coin it takes to buy a PS with a pernambuco neck might be concerned that the whole neck is not pernambuco given the recent debacle and the visual discrepancy.

When he asked for comments it was VERY OBVIOUS that he was asking about the woods. What he wasn't asking for is your opinion on whether this should matter to him or not.

Tim, I'll take the cookie.

First, Bennett and I are good friends, and he knows that I'm just giving him a hard time the way friends tease each other in real life. What doesn't come across on the internet is tone of voice, etc. Bennett is a great guy and he knows I like him. He puts up with me.

As to my feelings about the recent debacle, that is well known and I am aware that you and others who hang here and on VR are annoyed with me. I can live with that. My opinions don't come as the result of trying to win a popularity contest. They are what they are.

Finally, I did respond about the woods by suggesting very early in this thread that this particular stuff on the ears of the headstock simply came from a different part of the pernie lumber. Here is my response, copied and pasted from my VERY FIRST post on this thread:

"If you look at the upper right part of your headstock, I'd say it seems to be the same wood. Those particular scraps simply came from lower down or higher up on the neck blank, would be my guess."


Sometimes the most obvious, logical answer is the correct one.

Since the most logical answer was the FIRST one I gave on this thread, and since that answer proved to be FACT, and not a bunch of uneducated guesses about some kind of headstock ears conspiracy, perhaps I earned that cookie. :)

By the way, the tin foil hat looks nice on you.
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I like Doc so don't misconstrude this but I am throwing it out there that on the same token, I don't understand why people would post a thread on messageboards hoping for a slew of unofficial answers when they can contact PRS or their dealer directly and get a precise answer in a more timely fashion - especially when he apparently has a PS in the oven right now hahah

Same thing goes for the PTC impact repair thread a few days ago - get your answers and THEN post a thread.

First of all, to be clear...that wasn't me in the "impact thread"...I may have commented..but I didn't initiate anything. As a matter of fact, that was the thread that motivated me to post this one.

As far as the post I am quoting...First...."Thanks Mike" for the initial complement...and let me try to explain my "ulterior" motivations. As Tim has said above...the reason for the forum post (which I had misgivings about shortly after, but which I could not delete since I am unable to delete an OP as I have conveyed to the moderators previously) was to try to bring this issue up and see if any others had my concerns or had a similar experience. I quickly "re-thought" my approach, and in retrospect, the pros of adding to forum knowledge was outweighed by the cons of washing dirty laundry in public.

However, in the final analysis....I felt "OK" with the public disclosure since I felt it was important to the forum especially based on the prior controversy surrounding the wood used and advertised in some of the builds.

Overall, (and if you have followed my posts, you know this about me) even if it turned out that the "ears" were made of some crappy substitute...I am certain that we would have been able to work out a mutually acceptable resolution between PRS the company, and myself.

In the final analysis, the positive resolution is another way of demonstrating that PRS is on top of these type of issues and is intereted in ensuring customer satisfaction. After all...I would NOT have ordered another PS if I wasn't comfortable with the whole process after all is said and done.

I am not an intentional gadfly. I try to be as objective as possible, but I will NOT be a corporate apologist...when I see something wrong...I will disclose it...and I am sure that many people find my comments and views to be totally obnoxious. But, that is why the forum allows you to "ignore" those people that you don't want to interact with. I am hopefull that this thread not only provided some decent information to the "rank and file" but I also tried to interject some of my lame attempts at humor to take some of the "seriousness" out of the whole thread.

If I offended anyone, I apologize. For that matter, if anyone learned anything of significance, that makes the whole thing worthwhile.
I like Doc so don't misconstrude this but I am throwing it out there that on the same token, I don't understand why people would post a thread on messageboards hoping for a slew of unofficial answers when they can contact PRS or their dealer directly and get a precise answer in a more timely fashion - especially when he apparently has a PS in the oven right now hahah

Same thing goes for the PTC impact repair thread a few days ago - get your answers and THEN post a thread.

I'm with you Mike. I didn't post in the impact damage thread or the other perny thread at all and not in this one until now. When people have a question that only the company can answer, I just don't see why they ask people who are not involved before they have exhausted all their options with the company first.

If someone has an issue and it comes to a dead end or is unresolved with no further action forthcoming from the company, or it is resolved satisfactorly, then perhaps it is time post about it. Threads about problems, both resolved and unresolved, do educate us. But to hold the company's feet to the fire publicly while a matter is still unresolved and could go either way is just not the way to go.

This is just my opinion, but I think these things should be taken up privately. A thread about the final outcome would the hinge on how happy a person is or how disappointed.

You're mileage may vary. Shake before using. Not for the other use.
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First of all, to be clear...that wasn't me in the "impact thread"...I may have commented..but I didn't initiate anything. As a matter of fact, that was the thread that motivated me to post this one.

As far as the post I am quoting...First...."Thanks Mike" for the initial complement...and let me try to explain my "ulterior" motivations. As Tim has said above...the reason for the forum post (which I had misgivings about shortly after, but which I could not delete since I am unable to delete an OP as I have conveyed to the moderators previously) was to try to bring this issue up and see if any others had my concerns or had a similar experience. I quickly "re-thought" my approach, and in retrospect, the pros of adding to forum knowledge was outweighed by the cons of washing dirty laundry in public.

However, in the final analysis....I felt "OK" with the public disclosure since I felt it was important to the forum especially based on the prior controversy surrounding the wood used and advertised in some of the builds.

Overall, (and if you have followed my posts, you know this about me) even if it turned out that the "ears" were made of some crappy substitute...I am certain that we would have been able to work out a mutually acceptable resolution between PRS the company, and myself.

In the final analysis, the positive resolution is another way of demonstrating that PRS is on top of these type of issues and is intereted in ensuring customer satisfaction. After all...I would NOT have ordered another PS if I wasn't comfortable with the whole process after all is said and done.

I am not an intentional gadfly. I try to be as objective as possible, but I will NOT be a corporate apologist...when I see something wrong...I will disclose it...and I am sure that many people find my comments and views to be totally obnoxious. But, that is why the forum allows you to "ignore" those people that you don't want to interact with. I am hopefull that this thread not only provided some decent information to the "rank and file" but I also tried to interject some of my lame attempts at humor to take some of the "seriousness" out of the whole thread.

If I offended anyone, I apologize. For that matter, if anyone learned anything of significance, that makes the whole thing worthwhile.

Oh I understand. I was simply replying to Tim's response. Everyone here has an opinion, sometimes vastly different and that's what makes this place great. Just because someone would have handled it differently doesn't mean you did it wrong - you just did it your way. As always I enjoy reading about your builds, be it PS or HML's so I hope you didn't take offense to it.
How does Ginger let you spend tens-of-thousands of dollars on guitars when your basement still has that carpeting and paneling from the 70's?

My mancave is the same way.... Everytime I think "I should buy some drywall and replace the panelling" then I end up buying new gear instead. I just bought one of those free standing lighting trusses the other day. :o
Actually, in reading Bill's (Ruger) reply above, I have to back-track and say that it was clearly inappropriate for me to post this prior to asking the company privately for resolution.

Outcome....the Company comes out shining, and I look like a stoopid curmudgeon with nothing better to do than rant about the kids on my lawn.

Hopefully, I will show some restraint in the future. I was obviously upset about an issue that turned out to be a non-factor. I guess the original post should have been along the lines of "do you think this fade in any way detracts from the overall quality of the build".

don't answer that.

I'm OK now....really I am....thanks for all the support, and apologies to all those who basically said "W(hy)TF is he posting this on a public forum?".
I'm not berating you, Bennett, nor the OP in the other two threads. It's just a cart before the horse thing for me. I see the usefulness of the threads in question, I just think they should be posted after the fact.

No company is perfect. Not even PRS. Issues do, and will continue to, come up. The resolutions shouldn't be secret, the buying community deserves to know one way or the other so they can make informed decisions about where we spend our increasingly fewer dollars.

Perhaps there is a middle ground. Say someone has a question about a guitar and they don't know if it has been asked before or if it is normal or a real problem. Posting a pic and asking if there is something that needs attention gives the OP information on how to proceed.

The advice may be, "It's normal." "That looks like a warranty thing." "Have the seller/dealer fix it." "Send it to PTC." "Email PRS Customer Service." "Mine did that, I did this..." Or something along those lines.

But once a direction is chosen, maybe it would be better to post results after the dust has cleared than for the public to get a blow by blow of the reckoning process. That could save both the company and/or the OP some face.

Think of it this way, if you are in a negotiation or dispute and in the court of public opinion, it is time to ask for a change in venue.
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I like Doc so don't misconstrude this but I am throwing it out there that on the same token, I don't understand why people would post a thread on messageboards hoping for a slew of unofficial answers when they can contact PRS or their dealer directly and get a precise answer in a more timely fashion - especially when he apparently has a PS in the oven right now hahah

Same thing goes for the PTC impact repair thread a few days ago - get your answers and THEN post a thread.

I don't disagree with you. All of that is orothogonal to the point I was making. I simply don't understand why Les has to hammer home the point all the time that we shouldn't care about this sort of thing.
Tim, I'll take the cookie.


First, Bennett and I are good friends, and he knows that I'm just giving him a hard time the way friends tease each other in real life. What doesn't come across on the internet is tone of voice, etc. Bennett is a great guy and he knows I like him. He puts up with me.

Another cookie.

As to my feelings about the recent debacle, that is well known and I am aware that you and others who hang here and on VR are annoyed with me. I can live with that. My opinions don't come as the result of trying to win a popularity contest. They are what they are.

I'm not annoyed at you for your opinion. It's when you get dismissive of the concerns of others. You don't care about <insert recent debacle topic here> ? Fine. Obviously some others do. But you feel the need to tell us over and over how we shouldn't care about those things - basically because you don't think they matter. When someone drops a few thousand dollars on a guitar (or a LOT more for a private stock), it is not unreasonable for people to know what they're getting and expect it to be as it was represented.

Finally, I did respond about the woods by suggesting very early in this thread that this particular stuff on the ears of the headstock simply came from a different part of the pernie lumber. Here is my response, copied and pasted from my VERY FIRST post on this thread:

"If you look at the upper right part of your headstock, I'd say it seems to be the same wood. Those particular scraps simply came from lower down or higher up on the neck blank, would be my guess."

Well your first few remarks in the thread were anything but relevant. You've added much more snark and dismissive commentary to this and other threads like this than anything else.


Sometimes the most obvious, logical answer is the correct one.

Since the most logical answer was the FIRST one I gave on this thread, and since that answer proved to be FACT, and not a bunch of uneducated guesses about some kind of headstock ears conspiracy, perhaps I earned that cookie. :)

You've earned a bucket of tossed cookies. ;)

By the way, the tin foil hat looks nice on you.

Not me Les. I'm not much for conspiracies.
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I'm not annoyed at you for your opinion. It's when you get dismissive of the concerns of others.

I've tried to make worthwhile contributions here and elsewhere, and to provide useful information to people looking for recording tips, information about gear, etc.

I'm not perfect.
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