Facebook: "PRS Guitar Owners Worldwide" What do you think?

Call me a prude, but if I were a moderator I would not tolerate comments like “It looks like sh*t.” And there are a lot of posts more rude with foul language than that which are allowed to stand. Who knows how many children see those posts? I’d give the offender one warning, delete the post, and ban them after a repeat.

I knew I liked you for more than just cool guitars.
Having admin’ed an international gaming site for almost 15 years, I can tell you that you’ll get a huge outcry for using a heavy hand to keep the asshats (our fav term) not only in line, but out of “our living room”. But it’s the only way to keep things enjoyable, respectable, and fun. They’ll throw out the ever popular “freedom of speech” line, but ultimately, you can’t run a forum democratically...you just can’t. So, I totally get their (admins’) plight and even empathize...like I do here when someone tracks in mud and poops in the middle of our living room.
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when that came out i thought it was bobby blue bland and told people so, saw it again 20 years later and it was albert collins. am i ‘quite racist’ or just don’t know from the blues?

“No one gets out without singin’ the blues...”

I sincerely appreciate the good manners the regulars on this forum extend. I rarely have to use any authority to keep it civil around here, you guys do a great job of that on your own. I cannot adequately express my gratitude towards you all for your decorum. Truly, thank you!
I sincerely appreciate the good manners the regulars on this forum extend. I rarely have to use any authority to keep it civil around here, you guys do a great job of that on your own. I cannot adequately express my gratitude towards you all for your decorum. Truly, thank you!

Screw you, Shawn. Your yoga mat smells like silver pants.
So you’ll be dancing again for Shawn?!

Fixed that for you.

Oh, and as for all that decorum and politeness crap...

It never occurred to me to actively look for a FB group associated with PRS.

I did join the PRSGOW FB group after being made aware of it when the MT15 was first leaked mainly for the eye-candy, and very rarely there is info posted there that isn't found here (usually Europe/UK related, or perhaps regarding street pricing). I would leave the group if it got any more annoying, though.

I am on FB primarily to keep in touch with relatives and friends flung across the globe, and to (lightly) promote my band(s) and sound production company (mainly so that folks know we still exist). Also, amusing cat videos and other distractions.

I have an aunt who is quite addicted to the politics of today, and posts regularly on FB...she is amusing, but represents, to me, the danger of getting caught up it all way too much.