Experience PRS 2013! Save The Date!

That's an excellent idea. Maybe we could do live feeds from some of the discussion groups?

That is a good idea. Would a password protected stream resolve copyright issues with performances? Perhaps access to some live streams, or archives, could be part of the signature club package?
That would equal hours of unconsciousness followed by a blissful awesomeness hangover....

Voice of experience here: Do NOT have the hangover on the day that a bunch of crazy Brits decide to ride the 100 watt Plexi as hard as they can! :cheers::beer::goodnight:
Everyone - please make sure your short pockets do not have holes in them and your wallets are in tact! :cheers:
I will be there yet again. Will have the vacation days scheduled tom'w.

Hans - you want the Gene Simmons bass brought down for the 18th??? Just say the word.
Everyone - please make sure your short pockets do not have holes in them and your wallets are in tact! :cheers:
Yeah. What he said.

You know what I want for my birthday? Find the guy that took my money, bring him to the party, and everyone make a circle while blocking him from leaving or the cops from getting in.

5 minutes alone. That's all I need.

And when it's all over? No one saw nuttin'. Regardless of the outcome.
Is this how I want to spend my 50th birthday on 9/20? Maybe.....maybe. Too bad I already bought my present (brazzy ltd Ed Martin), so no guitar buying tat weekend.
]-[ @ n $ 0 |v| a T ! ©;49886 said:
Pics or it never happened.

Oh, it can happen...


Sweet, thanks for the early notice!! This will be my first Experience trip. I think my wife is out of town that week, does anybody know if I can bring my good friend instead and be able to get him in with me on the 19th?? :p
I will do everything I can to be there. Was hoping it would be the week before......Time to start moving things around!