Elixer od D'Addario EXP


New Member
Oct 15, 2012
pensacola FL
I play about 10-12 hours a week..Which ones will last longer and keep a good sound?

I have the EXPs on my LP right now but I've never used the Elixirs so I can't really make a comparison. The EXPs are very slick feeling and I'm not so sure that I like that. So far though, I've had very few issues with them which is good because the acidic qualities in my sweat tend to destroy strings rather quickly. I'd say that I have 30+ hours on these and they're still going strong.
I have the EXPs on my LP right now but I've never used the Elixirs so I can't really make a comparison. The EXPs are very slick feeling and I'm not so sure that I like that. So far though, I've had very few issues with them which is good because the acidic qualities in my sweat tend to destroy strings rather quickly. I'd say that I have 30+ hours on these and they're still going strong.

Good...I bought the EXP's ( as per your rcommendation) and they sound very crisp..Kinda like a Taylor Acoustic.. Should last 45 days ..Hopefully. Rthanks!
I only use them on my acoustics, but my experience is that the elixir nanoweb strings last longer than the EXPs but don't deaden the sound like the elixir polyweb strings do.