Edit: 594 NGD has arrived. Awesome unexpected color


PRS McCarty
Feb 2, 2019



My PS plans were foiled. Between Dave’s soapbar 594 post, Les’s explanation on maple vs mahogany necks, and this thing being blue, I caved in and will soon become part of the 594 club. It’s listed as slate blue, but I’ve never seen a slate blue this blue before. It has a maple SATIN neck and clear back. It’ll also be my fist 10 top. I can’t wait for it to get here. According to the seller it weighs 7lbs 8oz, which seems super light for a DC 594.
You're on a roll!!!! That is a hot 594. Satin in maple neck, or whatever mojo they use on it is fantastic. It's not really a satin finish, but it feels like it. Won't get shiny after time. Something UV baked, if I remember correctly?
^ If it's anything like the finish on those new CE24's, I'm in for a real treat!
Yeah, when I first joined the forum, I had 1 PRS. Now I have more than 1. The consequence was that my non-PRS collection took a huge hit.

Edit: Also the Pattern Vintage neck is a big reason why I've been wanting a 594. I haven't tried one yet, but I really enjoy asymmetrical carves and currently my favorite among PRS is the Pattern, which has me believe that I'll enjoy the Pattern Vintage even more.
I'm pretty sure I like it, but there's just way too much going on in that pic with the rug pattern and reflections in the guitar top to be sure.

I'm going to humbly request a bunch of better pics for proper evaluation :)