If I weren't driving home, I'd have a few beers throughout the night (maybe one an hour), but that's never the case . So at the most, it's a couple all night, if any. Some drinking doesn't impare my playing, but it does accelerate my fatigue.
didn't you previously front Jethro Tull????
He could down a Scotch in the middle of a song, at the same time play his bass with the other hand, not miss a note, give me a "gotcha" wink, and carry on. So whatever works, I guess....
I drink beer onstage. You know, a few over the course of the night. No need to be stone cold sober. It's rock and roll at a bar... it's not "family night" at the local Chuck-E-Cheese.
Back in 2005 I was in a band that organized a crazy night at a local club with three other bands. We billed it as "Shotfest". We got the local New Times to write up an article about what was happening and the place was absolutely packed. The deal was this: All four bands, right before their first song and then after every song they played, all the members of the bands would do a shot of Jagermeister. There was a waiter on the side of the stage responsible for refilling the drinks and passing them out to the band members, extra people on hand to move gear after a band's set, and of course, designated drivers for all. So, for every band, they'd start off tight and after about 7 or 8 songs, it was a total onstage meltdown. By the time everyone was too drunk to play, they'd get off the stage and another band would come on. I've got this big grin on my face just thinking about how hilarious it was. We all had a blast, the audience found it as hilarious as everyone else, the bar made a killing, and everyone left happy.
This has a kernel of truth..I was so used to having a beer or 5 while grilling.. Then when I went offshore (no alcohol) and we would grill my pavlovian response kicked in.. I never missed it otherwise..I think that those who use substances while performing...or have become dependant on substances prior to performing....run the risk of ending up looking like Eric Clapton in the '70's...how many people saw him vomiting on stage during one of his performances during that era??? Not a pretty sight.
Then of course, there's the infamous Jim Morrison drunken spectable in Miami that led to his arrest for "public lewdness".
There is a time and place for substance abuse! Just not on stage!
And if your dependant, please get your fix before the show so we don't have to witness your acute withdrawal symptoms during the performance, thank you very much.