Dr. Z 2x10 Convertible Cab


Don’t ask, don’t tell
Nov 17, 2021
Gear Advice again. I've been looking for a second cab, honestly as much to get the TC-100 up to a level that means I can see and adjust it without bending over, as to have a second cab / flavor. For @Bogner, this is basically an overpriced, dual function milk crate / speaker.

I've been thinking about a 2x10. They are a bit smaller, 10's are (generally) a bit less efficient. I'd just about gotten a Mesa 2x10, but the drive was to far to get it done. I've run across this Dr. Z 2x10 convertible cab. It's surprisingly close to the same dimensions as the Mesa 1x12 wide body closed cab I have now. It has a removable center horizontal board in the back, so it can be used open or closed. It uses a Dr. Z proprietary speaker made by Eminence. They are 70 watt x 16 ohm x 2, so 8 ohm, 140 watt.

Anyway, I'm soliciting comments, experience and opinions on the specific Dr. Z 2x10, 2x10's in general, and anything else this thread may devolve into.
I have owned a couple of the old “shorty” Dr. Z 2x10 cabs, still have one. they are wonderful sounding cabs, but almost impossible to find anymore because people dont get rid of them. (and expensive if you do) I cant speak for the new ones, but if you go to the Dr. Z forum page, you can get alot of help and opinions..
I've been looking for a second cab, honestly as much to get the TC-100 up to a level that means I can see and adjust it without bending over, as to have a second cab / flavor. For @Bogner, this is basically an overpriced, dual function milk crate / speaker.
Lately I've thought of putting the Lone Star on top of the PRS deep back 2x12 I have for the very same reason. I'm no longer flexible enough to bend down and actually see the controls to adjust the amp.

"Maybe you should try not getting old."

"I've been trying for years, just couldn't pull it off for some reason."
I have owned a couple of the old “shorty” Dr. Z 2x10 cabs, still have one. they are wonderful sounding cabs, but almost impossible to find anymore because people dont get rid of them. (and expensive if you do) I cant speak for the new ones, but if you go to the Dr. Z forum page, you can get alot of help and opinions..
I did browse there, and did get some good info. It's kinda like asking if anyone here likes a PRS though. I just thought I'd go after some opinions from some folks I feel like I know. Even though I've never met anyone here. Or seen them. Or even have confirmation that they are not bots. Or part of the Matrix. Seriously though, thank you.
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I am n0t a b0t


I have only played once through an amp connected to a Dr. Z cab at a boutique guitar shop many years ago, so don't really remember anything specific about it.
Get a 4x12 And You Can See The Amp Controls Really Well. Stack 2 4x12's And It Would Be Even Better. ;)

Of Course You Know I Was Going To Say Something About A 4x12 Because It is A Cabinet Conversation. The Bogner Oversized 2x12 Is Also Your Friend. :)
I did a set through a friend's Dr. Z head with that cabinet. I really loved the way it sounded. Of course, the amp will color the sound tremendously. The next time I had the chance to play with him, the amp was gone. What a maroon! He has to buy and sell continually, and usually for a bad reason.
He has to buy and sell continually, and usually for a bad reason.
I've thought about this kind of issue lately for some reason, and came to the conclusion that buying and selling stuff is one of the more value-neutral things a person can do.

If you buy for whatever reason, fine. If you sell for whatever reason, also fine. No one gets hurt.

Ultimately, everything we own is ours only temporarily. Doesn't really matter how long we own it, owning an instrument doesn't even make an infinitesimally small blip on the radar screen of history.

We're all just renters at best.

Money and things are undoubtedly less important than poop as far as the universe is concerned.

"I'm glad you said that, because I've cornered the poop aftermarket, Laz. I'm calling my site Sew-R-Verb."

"That's, um, great. Gosh, willya look at the time! I really have to go now." :rolleyes:
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Certainly one has the right to do whatever one wants with their money. I am mystified by flavor of the month in pretty much anything. While I can only speak for myself, the joy of using far outweighs the joy of buying.