Dogs, and practicing playing with distractions

My dog learned that when it’s her turn she just needs to come over and step on my Helix to get my attention. Even if I’m playing my tube amps she’ll throw a paw on the Helix and give me puppy dog eyes. She does give me adequate time to play though.
Ok, not gonna lie. I looked at the pants at first, and then watched the dog the whole time again. Nothing personal, but I like the dog more than the pants. :)
Excellent choice. Seems like a real sweetie. Not that there's anything wrong with the pants.

She is indeed a sweetie. She's also a royal pain who gets into absolutely everything she's not supposed to :). We have 3 dogs, she's our oldest at 11, but also the one we've had for the least amount of time as we just adopted her last February. Her energy level turned out to be a surprise, once we got her health in order...
Our other girl, Bailey, is a Bassador, so I'm going to stay with the trend and say Newfador :). Poor Phineas is just a Lab Mix, no fun names for him.

Our Sydney (15) is a Collidor (Collie/Lab mix). Ziva (5) is a Sprockerdor (Springer/Cocker/Lab mix) !!
And Mummy’s little princess, Abbi (11) is a pedigree Lhasa Apso and rules the roost, despite being the wee-est dog in the house.

Our male cat Sheldon is the same size as Abbi, which makes me laugh!!
Our Sydney (15) is a Collidor (Collie/Lab mix). Ziva (5) is a Sprockerdor (Springer/Cocker/Lab mix) !!
And Mummy’s little princess, Abbi (11) is a pedigree Lhasa Apso and rules the roost, despite being the wee-est dog in the house.

Our male cat Sheldon is the same size as Abbi, which makes me laugh!!

Bailey is our smallest at 50 pounds, but she is absolutely the Alpha among the dogs. Honestly she's also dominant over our 19 year-old daughter!! Phineas is the biggest at 75 pounds but he's a huge wuss.
Bailey is our smallest at 50 pounds, but she is absolutely the Alpha among the dogs. Honestly she's also dominant over our 19 year-old daughter!! Phineas is the biggest at 75 pounds but he's a huge wuss.

Pack mentality, there’s a lot of doggy politics haha!!
I was thinking breed names, but you make an excellent point!!! The kids were really into Phineas and Ferb when we got him. For that matter, Mrs Aahzz and I both enjoyed the heck out of that show - I have a Perry the Platypus tattoo on my right leg.
Well, just don't name one of your next dogs "Sponge Bob" because we already have one of those here. :cool::D
Phineas Dogg?!
One of my buddies got a new pup last week and was going to name it "Snoop." His wife absolutely put the kibosh on that and said she better never even hear him call him that as a nickname. Guess she doesn't like burners.

"Hey Martha, give me summa that green stuff."
Bailey the Bassador is also incredibly ladylike.....
